Privacy Policy This Policy is part of SL-Solutions Terms of Service and applies to the information that is collected in connection with the download, installation, and use of the SL-Solutions Apps, related services, and the Site. By using the Application(s), related services, or the Site You signify Your assent to this Privacy Policy. If you do not agree with this Policy, or with our Terms of Service, do not download, install and/or use the Application. This Policy covers SL-Solutions collection, use, and disclosure of your information through the Applications, the Services, and the Site. It does not cover any collection, use, or disclosure by third parties through any applications, Web sites, products, or services that we do not control or own, or any third party features or services made available via an Application, the Services, or the Site. All trademarks, trade names, and logos of third parties featured on the Applications or the Site belong to their respective owners. We do not collect sensitive information SL-Solutions Apps NEVER collects personal data such as passwords, credit card numbers, etc. We handle only a minimum amount of personal information for fixing bugs and application optimization SL-Solutions Apps strives to protect your privacy and reduce the likelihood of personal information leakage. We use personal information only for the right purpose SL-Solutions Apps does not use collected personal information for purposes other than its use without the user's prior consent. Non-personal information such as language data (keywords) learned while the user is using SL-Solutions Apps is 100% anonymized so that the user can not be identified. We will obtain prior consent when the purpose of the use of personal information is changed. Changes to This Privacy Policy We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to change, modify or otherwise alter this Policy at any time. Contact Us