Welcome to RadoAI, provided by Cryptoapps LTD. This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to user privacy and the limited information we collect. By using RadoAI, you agree to the terms of this policy. 1. Information We Do Not Collect As of 10.01.2024, RadoAI does not collect any personal information from its users. We do not gather names, email addresses, phone numbers, or any other personally identifiable information. 2. Services Provided RadoAI offers an AI chatbot experience without the need for user registration or the collection of personal data. Users can interact with the AI without providing any personal information. 3. Your Privacy Matters We respect your privacy and have designed RadoAI to operate with a focus on data minimization. We believe in providing a secure and anonymous chatbot experience. 4. Changes to This Privacy Policy While we currently do not collect any personal information, we may update our Privacy Policy. Please check the date for the latest version. 5. Contact Us If you have questions or concerns, contact us at privacy@encorp.io