Privacy Policy

  1. The App is an ads supported free app.
  2. The App uses third part services like Admob or other advertising networks
  3. The App uses google play billing library to enable users remove Ads.
  4. The app shares users 'Advertising ID' with advertizing networks for the purpose showing personalized Adverts.
  5. Ads that could be shown in this app are approved and safe!
  6. Since the primary function of the app is to extract installed and system apps and save the apk file to internal storage, for this reason the app requires access to reading and writing internal storage. Users with Android 10+ will be requested to allow the permission to "Manage All Files" in order to read and write file in the internal storage.
  7. To get list all application the app queries all packages available in users device.
  8. This app will not share or collect any user data.
  9. The App do not address anyone under the age of 13.
Change to this Privacy policy
We may update our privacy policy from time to time.