Privacy Policy for My Quran App Last Updated: 11/03/2024 Welcome to My Quran, a mobile application dedicated to providing users with access to Quranic texts, prayer times, and related features while prioritizing your privacy. This Privacy Policy outlines how we handle your information. 1. Information We Don't Collect We do not collect any personal information from users of the My Quran app. We do not gather account information, usage data, payment information, device information, or location information. 2. How We Ensure Your Privacy As we do not collect any personal information, there is no usage of such data for any purpose. We prioritize user privacy and uphold a strict policy of non-collection of personal data. 3. Data Security While we don't collect personal information, we still ensure the security of any data exchanged within the app. We employ appropriate measures to protect any non-personal information shared or stored within the app. 4. Your Rights and Choices As we don't collect personal information, users do not need to worry about accessing, updating, or deleting their data within the app. There are no data processing activities to opt-out of. 5. Changes to This Privacy Policy If there are any changes to our approach regarding the collection or handling of personal information, we will update this Privacy Policy accordingly and notify users within the app. 6. Contact Us If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy practices, please contact us at By using the My Quran app, you acknowledge and accept our commitment to privacy and understand that no personal information is collected or used in any way. Thank you for your trust and for choosing My Quran for your spiritual needs.