MIT Festival Poster Maker App Privacy Policy

The MIT Festival Poster Maker App ("the App") values your privacy. This policy outlines how we manage the Personal Information you provide while using our Service. By using the App, you consent to the practices described herein.

Personal Information Use and Collection
To enhance your experience, the App may require certain personal information. Rest assured, this information is stored securely and will not be shared except as outlined in this policy. Please note, third-party services integrated into the App may also gather identifiable information.

Data Security
Your trust is paramount. We employ industry-standard protections for your Personal Information. However, no internet or electronic storage method is infallible. While we aim for complete security, we cannot guarantee it.

Data Access and Protection Measures
Only authorised personnel have access to your data, and we adhere to all data protection laws. Our measures include safeguarding against unauthorised access, destruction, loss, or changes. We also encourage you to take personal security measures, like keeping login credentials confidential and updating your software regularly.

Data Transfer in Event of Error
In case of an app error, we might collect data, including your device's IP address, operating system, app settings, usage time, and other relevant statistics, via third-party tools.

Children's Privacy
Protecting children's privacy online is crucial. We do not knowingly collect information from children under 13. If such collection occurs, we will take steps to delete the information promptly upon notification.

Marketing Communications
We may use your information for service delivery, offers, newsletters, and marketing, provided you have consented under applicable laws.

Privacy Policy Updates
This policy may be updated. We recommend reviewing it periodically. Significant changes will be communicated to you for your consent.

Opt-Out and Inquiries
You can opt-out of data collection by discontinuing the App's use, adjusting its settings, or contacting us at Questions and requests regarding your data can also be directed to this email.

GDPR Compliance
We respect your data protection rights under the GDPR, including rights to access, rectification, erasure, restriction, objection, and portability of your data. Contact us for these requests, and we'll respond within a month.

Governing Law and Legal Compliance
This policy is governed by Indian law. Should any part of this policy be unenforceable, we'll strive to replace it with a valid provision that closely matches the original intent.

Your privacy and data security are our top priorities. We're committed to transparent practices and safeguarding your information. For any further details, reach out to us at