A Concept to Challenge Your Status Quo
My studies of human performance has me incredibly intrigued with the internal tools that stave off the #1 threat of our true potential; distractions.
The body of work I’m acutely focused on at the moment would suggest that the greatest tool to defend against the threat of distractions is to harness our creative energy by bringing an abundance of clarity to the definition of how we “win the morning” each day…
My observation is that we, collectively, are great at casting a vision and attaching long term goals. However, we mightily struggle with clarity around the immediate goals. We tend to wing it.. That invites selective urgency, underperformance, AND… you guessed it… distractions.
I’d LOVE to challenge you to identify how you, specifically, win the day tomorrow (Not the plan… the desired result. Not general result… specific result.) and maintain a relationship with the goal that exemplifies a preferred indifference (ie: the goal isn’t wants we hold ourselves accountable to; the plan is). Then check in on the progress of your plan in the afternoon.
By clearly defining the win for the day and maintaining a relationship with it, I predict a few things will happen;
a: You will build the most potent plan (specific actions within your control) to give yourself the best chance of achieving the desired result.
b: You will prioritize, above all else, the most impactful things on that plan.
c: Your level of intentionality will go up within each of those actions, causing better results.
d: Upon your acknowledgment of the execution of the specific action steps you laid out you will foster confidence. (If done daily, that confidence will compound to an impenetrable armor.)
e: If you fall short of the desired result you’ll use the feedback scientifically to optimize efficiencies and effectiveness with consistent urgency.
f: By completing the action steps you’ve committed to, that represent the highest probability of success (Success List), you’ll authorize yourself to be present outside of work.
g: Your measured progress towards the “worthy goal” will cause you to experience a deeper level of fulfillment -> happiness.
I have found this formula to be 3Xs more powerful than ANY pharmacy!
Are you willing to accept the challenge tomorrow?