And what saved my life!

The Jenn that felt like she came onto the wrong planet for most of her life. I want to tell you a bit more about her.

Below is her fairytale story. And it doesn’t include a handsome man on a horse saving her, because this Jenn, saved herself!

Most of the time, she was drowning in anxiety. She felt so broken, that she would often have the thought “Maybe I should see a doctor  or a psychiatrist because there seems to be something really wrong with me”

She would question:

  • Why can’t I feel ok in the world like most people?

  • Why is it so hard for me to find a path?

  • Why I am feeling so much all the time? I must be mentally unstable

  • Why do I keep getting triggered so often?

  • Why am I so damn sensitive and how do I shut this shit off?

  • Why am I me? 😭

Her biggest fear was spending her life lost. She truly believed that she would never figure this out.

She felt so fragile out in the world. So she began to build big walls around her sensitivity to hide her fragility. Because who would ever trust or value her if she was this sensitive? The traditional world kept proving to her that she would fail if she was fully herself. “Successful people are stronger than this.” She would think.

So she put that sensitivity in a box and locked it up. And she began to hustle. Until she burnt out.

She was SO creative as a child. Her escape was her imagination. She would have wild, fantasy visions for her life and what was possible. Every single one of those visions didn’t fit in into the traditional world she was living in. So she would once again think “What is wrong with me mind? What is wrong with me?”

She became a very angry teenager, full of resentment, who wanted to break all the rules. So she did.

She began disturbing in class and would get sent to the principal’s office.

She began forging fake notes from her mom saying she had to go to the doctor’s and would skip school for the afternoon.

She began to smoke cigarettes and party with much older people at a very young age.

She began choosing toxic relationships to confirm her belief that she was broken.

She would quit whatever she wanted when she wanted.

She was being reckless on purpose.

Because she believed that she would never make anything of herself anyway, being such a broken human being who could not function in this left-brain world.

And then, teachers began to come onto her path.

Teachers who showed her other ways forward, new ways forward that she had never thought possible.

Teachers who embraced her, no matter how messy she was.

These teachers showed her how to heal, what her gifts were and how she could create a world of her own, that made sense to her.

She started to feel safe enough to unlock that box and unleash her sensitivity which then led her back to her creativity, her imagination, her purpose and a life that felt right.

She dropped her traditional life and became a Yoga Teacher.

She learned how to be an entrepreneur.

She began teaching others how to heal and grow into the fullest versions of their true selves and pave their own path forward.

She helped them create a world that made sense to them.

To honour their magic, their needs and desires.

To build the life and business of their dreams so they, too, could stop feeling so broken and finally feel free.

This highly sensitive, empathic Jenn that felt so broken and hopeless also:

- Became a United Nations Consultant

- Published a Book

- Spoke on stages

- Moved to Mexico on her own and lived there for 6 years

- Learned Spanish and is now fluent

- Was on a billboard in Times Square, NYC

YOU ARE NOT BROKEN. The potential available to you is Limitless!

There is a path for you that can feel good, free and fulfilling. That will flood you with abundance.

And it doesn’t require hustle.

It doesn’t require you shutting down any part of yourself.

All it requires, is that you Say Yes to Your YES!

And I’ve got your back highly sensitive, creative, empath.

That sensitivity, creativity and those big visions ARE YOUR GIFTS. Do not shut them down.

If they don’t fit into your current reality, then we need to build you a reality where they will so that you can be wildly happy and successful!


If any of this relates to you and you know you want to say yes to this path, I urge you to message me right now, before your logical mind convinces you that you are being delusional.

Just say “Yes Jenn, I want this” and I will help you navigate that ONE next step. Don’t worry about the HOW right now. Just honour your yes and take action on it. The rest will unfold I promise.

I have many different paths I can take you on to get started. From baby steps to big, beautiful transformations.

Lots of love xo


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