Warm greetings from the team at Shift Therapy & Wellness! We hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. As summer arrives, we are thrilled to bring you the latest edition of our monthly newsletter, packed with valuable insights and updates to support your journey towards improved well-being.
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September Happenings at Shift

Dear {{contact.first_name}},

As the September approaches we are hoping some cool fall air comes with it! We are sure you are too. Welcome to our monthly newsletter, specially curated to accompany you on your journey towards improved well-being this month.

At Shift, we believe that movement is the key to unlocking your body's incredible potential. Whether you are recovering from an injury, seeking relief from chronic pain, or striving to enhance your athletic performance, our team of dedicated professionals is here to guide you every step of the way. Our mission is to get people moving and keep them moving despite their age or health condition.

This month we are celebrating our 1 year anniversary in the "Shift Clinic" at Rome Strength & Fitness!! Make sure you scroll to the bottom for details on the P-A-R-T-Y!

In this month's newsletter, we have some exciting content lined up just for you:

1. Feature Podcast: The Drive with Peter Attia "The comfort crisis, doing hard things, rucking, and more..." "Dancing on the edge of failure, you can realize that it's not that big of a deal."- Michael Easter

2. Expert Tips: The power of exercise and diet modification as told by Dr. Sean Rockett, an orthopedic surgeon with 20 years of experience in sports medicine and Dr. Ronda Rockett, a family medicine practitioner for 12 years.

3. Client Success Story: Mrs. Claire crushing gait speed!

   Check out Mrs. Claire as she works on her gait (walking speed) to maintain her independence. 

4. Upcoming Events: "Community Workshops and Seminars"
   Stay informed about our upcoming educational events and workshops designed to foster a deeper understanding of physical well-being. From aging well to group rides and runs, we are committed to equipping you with the knowledge to take control of your health.

5. Promotions and Special Offers: "Exclusive Offers for Our Loyal Subscribers" and New Services! 
   As a token of our appreciation, we have prepared exclusive offers and discounts for our loyal clients. We have launched our VIP referral program as a way to show gratitude to those of you who have sent your friends and family our way.

We hope this preview has piqued your interest, and we can't wait to share the full newsletter with you. Stay tuned for valuable insights, inspiration, and resources to support your wellness journey throughout the summer and beyond.

Remember, your well-being is our priority, and we're here to provide you with the highest quality care and support. We're grateful to have you as part of our community, and we look forward to serving you in the best way possible.

Wishing you a joyful and fulfilling September and GO DAWGS (the maroon ones!) =)


Are you dealing with frustrating pain and injuries and looking for help? Start  here to contact us for a free phone consult.

Thanks for reading, have a topic you'd like us to discuss? Reply to this email and we'll start studying!

Be Well,
SHIFT Therapy & Wellness

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The Shift Team

Your Shift Team,

Dr. Clint Satterfield, DPT, COMT, Cert-DN

Dr. Lindsey Bellcase, DPT, GCS, CF-L1, Cert-DN

Deron Bellcase, MSOT, CF-L1

1. Featured Podcast- The Drive with Peter Attia and Michael Easter

"The comfort crisis, doing hard things, rucking, and more..."

Michael Easter is the author of the bestseller, The Comfort Crisis. He’s also a journalist, Professor of Journalism at UNLV, and a leading voice on how humans can integrate modern science and wisdom for improved health, meaning, and performance in life and at work. In this episode, Michael first talks about his upbringing, including his parents’ struggle with alcoholism, his father leaving when he was young, and how these things impacted Michael’s own struggle with alcoholism. He explains what led to his realization that we are in a “crisis of comfort” and how the removal of many of life’s discomforts through advancements in modern society may actually be a leading contributor to many of our most urgent physical and mental health issues. He explains the benefits of challenging oneself and the immense positive carryover which can come from doing things we find difficult. He describes the consequences of technology like smartphones, which have effectively eliminated boredom—a discomfort that comes with many benefits. He tells the story of a profound experience at an elk hunt that changed Michael’s thoughts around life and death, how happiness can thrive in places without all of the modern comforts of the West, and why we’re hardwired for stress and what to do about it. They conclude with a conversation around rucking, an activity with many physical and mental benefits.

The Drive Podcast

2. Expert Tips

Video: The power of exercise and diet modification as told by Dr. Sean Rockett, an orthopedic surgeon with 20 years of experience in sports medicine and Dr. Ronda Rockett, a family medicine practitioner for 12 years.

Today, the couple operate CrossFit Launchpad in Wellesley, Massachusetts, where they are preventing and curing chronic disease.

“I get to help people prevent disease … through exercise, diet, sleep, stress management, positive attitude,” Ronda says.

Owning an affiliate, she adds, allows her to spend several hours a week helping individuals change their lives—well beyond the limited time a doctor can usually spend with a patient in the office.

“I’m still doing family medicine, but it’s much more preventive,” she says. “And of course, I no longer prescribe medication. I still get to help people be the best that they can be.”

The CrossFit Journal

3. Client Success Story: Mrs. Claire crushing her gait speed

Check out this video highlighting Mrs. Claire running during her OT session. Walking speed is a crucial indicator of health and those that are unable to increase their walking speed are at a higher risk of cognitive decline, hospitalization, falls, and need for assistance. Want to stay out of the nursing home and maintain independence as you age? Learning to walk fast can help! We work on this with a lot of clients; in order to walk fast strength, balance, and coordination must be addressed.

Shift Therapy & Wellness Instagram

4. Upcoming Events

  • September 1st & October 6

    • FREE Osteoporosis & Osteopenia Workshop. The 1st Friday of every month from 1230-130pm. We will educate on what osteoporosis & osteopenia is and what you can do about it!

  • September 6th

    • Clint's Birthday!!!

  • September 21

    • Aging Well Workshop is normally the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 2:30-3:30 and it's completely free! This month we will be hosting the workshop in conjunction with our 1 year anniversary party on Thursday September 21st! Details below

    • One Year Anniversary!!! Join us from 11:30-1:30 for lunch, balance and strength testing and a little friendly competition =)

      • RSVP call or text 706-314-8504

5. Promotions and Special Offers

  • We are continuing our customer appreciation program! Each month we are giving away a $100 gift card to Ideal Meals! See the graphic for more info on how to enter!

  • August's winner is Mrs. Judith Myers! We will have your gift in the clinic next week 😁

  • We are thrilled to announce our VIP Referral program

    ⭐️**Swift Access:**

    Any individual referred by a past client will be given priority treatment. We are committed to seeing them within 48 hours of their inquiry, ensuring they receive the care they need without delay.

    ⭐️**Exclusive Benefits:**

    As a token of our appreciation for your trust and support, you and the referred client will both enjoy exclusive benefits as part of our VIP Referral Program. These benefits are designed to enhance your experience with us and allow us to express sincere gratitude towards you.

    ⭐️**Sharing the Wellness:**

    By referring a friend or loved one, you're not only helping them take a positive step towards their well-being but also contributing to creating a stronger and more vibrant Shift Therapy & Wellness community.

Customer Appreciation Shift