Warm greetings from the team at Shift Therapy & Wellness! We hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. As summer arrives, we are thrilled to bring you the latest edition of our monthly newsletter, packed with valuable insights and updates to support your journey towards improved well-being.
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June Newsletter

Dear {{user.first_name}},

Warm greetings from the team at Shift Therapy & Wellness! We hope this email finds you in good health and high spirits. As summer arrives, we are thrilled to bring you the latest edition of our monthly newsletter, packed with valuable insights and updates to support your journey towards improved well-being.

At Shift, we believe that movement is the key to unlocking your body's incredible potential. Whether you are recovering from an injury, seeking relief from chronic pain, or striving to enhance your athletic performance, our team of dedicated professionals is here to guide you every step of the way. Our mission is to get people moving and keep them moving despite their age or health condition.

In this edition, we are excited to share a range of engaging content tailored specifically for you. Here's a sneak peek of what you can expect:

1. Feature Podcast: "Intentional Walking for Health, Creativity & Longevity."
   In this episode, Juliet and Kelly Starett discuss with Joyce Schulman their mutual love and appreciation of walking, the vast health benefits of the practice, and they were delighted to get into some additional advantages that are outside of their area of expertise.

2. Expert Tips: "Rehab exercises for the overhead athlete"
   Check out this IG post from Dr. Lindsey as she shares a few exercises she is doing to rehab her injured shoulder.

3. Client Success Story: "Mr Ron"
   Get inspired by the real-life story of one of our clients who gained trust in his injured leg with the help of our dedicated team. Witness the transformative power of physical therapy and how it can positively impact your life.

4. Upcoming Events: "Community Workshops and Seminars"
   Stay informed about our upcoming educational events and workshops designed to foster a deeper understanding of physical well-being. From aging well to group rides and runs, we are committed to equipping you with the knowledge to take control of your health.

5. Promotions and Special Offers: "Exclusive Discounts for Our Loyal Subscribers"
   As a token of our appreciation, we have prepared exclusive offers and discounts for our newsletter subscribers. Take advantage of these limited-time promotions to jumpstart your wellness journey or share the gift of health with a loved one.

We hope you find this newsletter enriching and informative, serving as a valuable resource on your path to optimal health and vitality. We encourage you to explore the articles, participate in our upcoming events, and reach out to our friendly staff for any questions or concerns you may have.

Remember, at Shift Therapy & Wellness, we are more than just a healthcare provider – we are your trusted partners in your quest for a pain-free and active lifestyle.

Wishing you an exceptional summer filled with joy, well-being, and movement!


There is so much misinformation that is surrounding healthcare and dealing with PAIN. There are so many people who feel stuck in their pain with no way to move forward. SHIFT is here to be your guide out of pain and back into a confident and active lifestyle! If you or someone you know would like to book an appointment with us, start here!

Be Well,
SHIFT Therapy & Wellness

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The Shift Team

Your Shift Team,

Dr. Clint Satterfield, DPT, COMT, Cert-DN

Dr. Lindsey Bellcase, DPT, GCS, CF-L1, Cert-DN

Deron Bellcase, MSOT, CF-L1

1. Featured Podcast

"Intentional Walking for Health, Creativity & Longevity." In this episode, Juliet and Kelly Starett discuss with Joyce Schulman their mutual love and appreciation of walking, the vast health benefits of the practice, and they were delighted to get into some additional advantages that are outside of their area of expertise

The Ready State Podcast

2. Expert Tips

"Rehab exercises for the overhead athlete" Check out this IG post from Dr. Lindsey as she shares a few exercises she is doing to rehab her injured shoulder.

Shoulder Rehab Exercises

3. Client Success Story: Mr. Ron

Get inspired by the real-life story of one of our clients who gained trust in his injured leg with the help of our dedicated team. Witness the transformative power of physical therapy and how it can positively impact your life.

Success Mr. Ron

4. Upcoming Events

  • June 21st
    • Aging Well Workshop the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 2:30-3:30 and it's completely free! This is a great way to nudge a friend or family member to start talking about their physical independence as they age.
  • June 14/21/28
    • Shift Gears group ride on Wednesdays throughout the summer. Join the group me chat for updated information.
  • June 25th
    • Dog Days of Summer supporting the Davies Shelters from 6:00-9:00 pm. This event is free to attend, leashed pets are welcomed and donations are appreciated. They are celebrating 20 years of providing housing support to our local community. Sponsorship opportunities are still available, contact Lindsey if you are interested in sponsorship.
  • July 7th
    • Lucky 7s Trail Race 7K 7pm! Click on the graphic to sign up!
Shift Gears Group Ride
Davies Shelters
Lucky 7s 7

5. Promotions and Special Offers

We are continuing our customer appreciation program! Each month we are giving away a $100 gift card to Ideal Meals! See the graphic for more info on how to enter!

We also have a special offer right now for free pain assessments. Contact us at 706-314-8504 to grab a spot! Only 5 spots remain at this time!

Customer Appreciation Shift