Today, I want to express our gratitude by sharing a heartfelt story about Sidney. She recently took a seat in the Chair of Joy, and her experience is a testament to the power of prioritizing joy, even in the midst of chaos, even when feeling


Hello {{contact.first_name}},

Today, I want to express our gratitude by sharing a heartfelt story about Sidney. She recently took a seat in the Chair of Joy, and her experience is a testament to the power of prioritizing joy, even in the midst of chaos, even when feeling overwhelmed, angry, stressed, frustrated and far from happy!

Sidney, overwhelmed by the responsibilities of managing a kayak, bike, run triathlon did not want to do the Chair of Joy™ Experience. Chaos was all around her, and the idea of sitting still for just 60 seconds and engaging in the four steps—sit, breathe, think, and feel—was the furthest thing from her mind, she had STUFF TO DO!  She might have even hesitated for a moment.

But then, something remarkable happened. Sidney took a deep breath, recognizing that the most important thing was ensuring everyone was having a good time. The volunteers were doing an amazing job, and she was blessed with a gorgeous day. In that brief moment of stillness, she recalled a memory of joy from walking her dog, and a warm smile graced her face.

From that point on, the day took a brighter turn. A few days later, Sidney chose to sit in the Chair of Joy once again, willingly engaging in the four steps. What transpired was truly astonishing. An overwhelming surge of energy coursed through her, as if a profound sense of joy had erupted from deep within her being.

Sidney's story reminds us all that even in the midst of chaos and skepticism, and family drama over the Holidays, prioritizing joy through the simple act of sitting, breathing, thinking, and feeling can transform our experiences and infuse us with renewed vitality.

As we celebrate this holiday season, let's carry Sidney's story with us and remember that joy is always within our reach. We are incredibly thankful for the many ambassadors who have embraced this movement, making the holidays easier and more enjoyable for all.

With warmth and joy,
Sheryl and the JOYELY Team

JOYELY Global Ambassadors:

If you haven't become a JOYELY Global Ambassador, yet, follow this link and join us where we can change the world!!

As an JOYELY Global Ambassador, you will be part of the Joyely movement, an awe-inspiring journey that harnesses the profound science of joy to ignite boundless potential within each individual's life and work.

Together, we'll guide many towards hope, healing, and joy. Let's make a difference.

Meet our ambassadors here.

Joyely Ambassador Monthly (JAM): Your Hour of Transformation

We are thrilled to invite you to join us on December 9 at 9 am PST. Become a JOYELY Ambassador (if you haven't already) and join our monthly calls.

Together, let's ignite change and pave the way for brighter futures. Picture yourself as a part of a global movement, where joy serves as the catalyst for unprecedented growth and prosperity.

As the founders of JOYELY, we are dedicated to fostering an impact that transcends borders, creating ripples of positive transformation wherever we go.

Join us in steering the JOYELY Movement towards a world unified by joy and purpose.

Register here for further details about the JOYELY Ambassador Worldwide.

Looking forward to your presence at this momentous event!

Click here to register!!

What's happening in JOYELY Ambassadors' World

Loving the Holidays. A 3-week experience

Produced by Joyely and led by 3 of our Silver Ambassadors!

Want to truly revel in the festive holidays without the stress?

Say goodbye to burdensome anxiety and hello to joy and jubilation!

Join Loving the Holidays. A 3-week experience, produced by Joyely and led by 3 of our Silver Ambassadors, to get a step up and shift your perspective from stressed out to elation. It’s your year to welcome the holiday season with ease and joy.

Dates: November 29 - December 13, 2023

Click here to register.

What's happening in JOYELY Ambassadors' World

We are excited to announce this book!

JOY RISE is more than just a collection of words; it's a journey into the profound power of personal growth through the lens of joy—an elusive concept that has long evaded our grasp. In these words, we will explore why joy matters and how advocating for a joy-centered and joy filled life can lead to results beyond your wildest expectations.

More to come! :)

JOYELY Mission:

To empower individuals worldwide with the science of joy for personal well-being and positive impact.

JOYELY Vision:

A world where joy is a universal language, inspiring compassion, harmony, and personal and professional fulfillment.

Book a call with Sheryl to chat about how you and your employees can live JOYELY

Book a Discovery Call

Learn how you can participate in the Chair of Joy™ Movement!

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