We welcome our ambassador and Coaching Expert Rebecca Gold as our guest contributor this week. Here is Reggie's story:


Hello {{contact.first_name}},

We welcome our ambassador and Coaching Expert Rebecca Gold as our guest contributor this week. Here is Rebecca's story:

Happiness - a fundamental human pursuit, an emotion so cherishable that countless poets, philosophers, and scientists have endeavored to understand and capture its essence. While we all describe happiness differently, it remains a shared endeavor, contributing significantly to our mental well-being and quality of life. The science of happiness, or positive psychology, offers revelations into pursuing this elusive emotion.

One of the proven methods to navigate our path to happiness is through the 'Chair of Joy' experience. This experience comprises a simple but effective routine of sitting, breathing, thinking, and feeling, acting as a cornerstone of my daily mindfulness practice. It delivers a delightful rush of happiness or joy, creating an oasis of peace amidst the bustle of a strenuous day.

The ritual initiates as I settle into my chair, a physical or imaginary tranquility oasis - a sun-dappled alpine lake, a warm, sandy beach, or simply a quiet corner of my living room.

The act of just 'sitting' constructs a pause from the relentless race of time, empowering to reconnect with my inner self. This process allows me to shed the external noise, making room for peace and calm to permeate my being.

Next, 'breathing' is not merely a process of inhaling and exhaling; it's my pivot towards calm. Deep breaths act as an anchor, grounding me in the present while dissipating traces of the past and future worries. Breathing deep and slow becomes a balm for the restless mind, centering my thoughts and emotions.

Following the calming breathwork, 'thinking' and 'feeling' synchronize, being directed by intention and joy. Thinking in this context refers to a profound contemplation rather than anxiety-riddled conjectures. This might involve reflecting upon a time that brought me joy, or visualizing my objectives for the forthcoming day. The focus of these thoughts may vary, but their altering power remains consistent, inevitably steering my state towards a joyous one.

Finally, the 'feeling' phase allows me to absorb and relish the newfound peace, happiness, and empowerment within.

The versatility of the 'Chair of Joy' experience lies in its simplicity and adaptability. I can modify its elements based on my mood, need, and location, making it an accessible tool for inducing happiness. It's like carrying a little island of serenity wherever I go, a haven I can escape to and resurface from, rejuvenated and optimistic, ready to confront life's challenges head-on. An experience I can happily share with others.

Thus, consistent commitment to the 'Chair of Joy' experience demonstrates how a simple mindfulness practice can support us in our ever-evolving pursuit of happiness. The science of happiness celebrates these moments of joy we cultivate and echoes that happiness is, after all, in our personal command - achievable, one joyous thought at a time!

Welcome JOYELY Global Ambassadors:

Amy Baldwin

If you haven't become a JOYELY Global Ambassador, yet, follow this link and join us where we can change the world!!

As an JOYELY Global Ambassador, you will be part of the Joyely movement, an awe-inspiring journey that harnesses the profound science of joy to ignite boundless potential within each individual's life and work.

Together, we'll guide many towards hope, healing, and joy. Let's make a difference.

Meet our ambassadors here.

Joyely Ambassador Monthly (JAM): Your Hour of Transformation

We are thrilled to invite you to join us on November 14 at 9 am PST. Become a JOYELY Ambassador (if you haven't already) and join our monthly calls.

Together, let's ignite change and pave the way for brighter futures. Picture yourself as a part of a global movement, where joy serves as the catalyst for unprecedented growth and prosperity.

As the founders of JOYELY, we are dedicated to fostering an impact that transcends borders, creating ripples of positive transformation wherever we go.

Join us in steering the JOYELY Movement towards a world unified by joy and purpose.

Register here for further details about the JOYELY Ambassador Worldwide.

Looking forward to your presence at this momentous event!

Click here to register!!

What's happening in JOYELY Ambassadors' World

Loving the Holidays. A 3-week experience

Produced by Joyely and led by 3 of our Silver Ambassadors!

Want to truly revel in the festive holidays without the stress?

Say goodbye to burdensome anxiety and hello to joy and jubilation!

Join Loving the Holidays. A 3-week experience, produced by Joyely and led by 3 of our Silver Ambassadors, to get a step up and shift your perspective from stressed out to elation. It’s your year to welcome the holiday season with ease and joy.

Dates: November 29 - December 13, 2023

Click here to register.

Joyely Blog

Ageless Beauty: Terese PARKIN’S Joyful Journey to the Long Beach Beauty Pageant

The concept of Ageless Beauty has been my mission for the past five years. I firmly believe that beauty is a divine gift that knows no age, time limit, or boundaries; it resides within all of us. My quest for meaningful impact and empowerment through my way of life was significantly amplified when I met Sheryl and became a part of Joyely. A year ago, I joined as a Global Ambassador of Joyely, and during this time, I’ve come to understand that joy is not a fleeting emotion. I’ve learned that you can tap into the inherent joy you were born with and infuse more joy into your life. In these trying times, I am convinced that sharing this movement is more crucial than ever.

Click here to read her full story!

Beautiful Poem by Coach Minx:

From the heart, mind, and pen of Minx ©2023 Minx Boren. All rights reserved. PLEASE SHARE with attribution.

JOYELY Mission:

To empower individuals worldwide with the science of joy for personal well-being and positive impact.

JOYELY Vision:

A world where joy is a universal language, inspiring compassion, harmony, and personal and professional fulfillment.

Book a call with Sheryl to chat about how you and your employees can live JOYELY

Book a Discovery Call

Learn how you can participate in the Chair of Joy™ Movement!

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