In a defining moment for JOYELY Magazine, we had the unique privilege to present our publication at the esteemed Mental Health Marketing Conference. This event was a grand assembly of the brightest minds in mental health—comprising dedicated practitioners, visionary organizational CEOs, and pioneering experts who are shaping the way we market and support the mental health community.


Hello {{contact.first_name}},

In a defining moment for JOYELY Magazine, we had the unique privilege to present our publication at the esteemed Mental Health Marketing Conference. This event was a grand assembly of the brightest minds in mental health—comprising dedicated practitioners, visionary organizational CEOs, and pioneering experts who are shaping the way we market and support the mental health community.

We're thrilled to share that many of these remarkable individuals have been featured in our upcoming Fall 2023 issue. Their presence in JOILY underscores the pivotal role the magazine plays in the mental health sphere. The feedback was inspiring, with many underscoring the significance of Joy On Intentional Living JOYELY ever after, as not just a philosophy, but a crucial aspect of business.

In the midst of these celebrations, one message stood out: As many begin to prioritize The Chair of Joy and JOY we extend an invitation to all to partake in this transformative journey.

As you embrace this Friday, find a moment to pause. Sit in your Chair of Joy. Breathe. Think about a few moments of joy. Feel this #joyrise throughout your whole body. Embrace the enduring essence of intentional joy, making it not just an emotion, but a conscious choice to feel better. 


Sheryl Lynn

CEO of JOYELY, Founder & Visionary of The Chair of Joy™ Experience
Connect with JOYELY Team

#Joyely #Chairofjoy #JOYRISE #LiveJOYELY #callingjoyelyambassadors #JOYELYMovement

New JOYELY Global Ambassadors:

Welcome to the JOYELY Family! A warm welcome to our new JOYELY Global Ambassadors! It's an honor to have you on board, championing our united vision. Together, we'll guide many towards hope, healing, and joy. Let's make a difference.

Kitty Rowell ~ Cindi Di Orio

Joyely Fall Magazine Debut Mental Health Marketing Conference


Joyely Ambassador Monthly (JAM): Your Hour of Transformation

Welcome to Joyely Ambassador Monthly (JAM), your passport to a global community that's reshaping personal and professional growth. In this one-hour online gathering, we'll unveil why joining JAM is your key to transformative connections.



JOYELY Mission:

To empower individuals worldwide with the science of joy for personal well-being and positive impact.

JOYELY Vision:

A world where joy is a universal language, inspiring compassion, harmony, and personal and professional fulfillment.

Book a call with Sheryl to chat about how you and your employees can live JOYELY

Book a Discovery Call

Learn how you can participate in the Chair of Joy™ Movement!

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