Crossfit Dartmouth Kids Classes

  • Next Session Starts on 3/10/24

  • 4 Week Sessions

  • Classes are held on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30

  • Click here to register

CFD Open Post Celebration

  • Friday 3/29 at Wonder Bowl in New Bedford

  • 8:00 PM food and drinks

  • 9:00 PM bowling

Brianna "Bridiculous" Mentzer

What is your Occupation?
I am a hairstylist at Roots and Daisies in Fairhaven. 

Besides CrossFit of course, I am basically a grandma. I love to crochet, embroider, and read books. I would say my absolute favorite hobby is to go shopping, take me to Target and that’s the key to my heart. 

Tell CFD something we don’t know about you.
I actually did CrossFit when I was 12 years old with my softball team in 2015! 

When did you start Crossfitting?
I started CrossFit in September of 2020 

What do you like most about CFD?
Basically everything. Lol. I am not much of a social butterfly clearly, that being said I still felt so welcomed coming into this gym. I’ve made friendships that I wouldn’t trade for the world. Shoutout to Nicole literally my #1 from day 1. I also of course love the coaching everyone is always so helpful weather they are coaching or just in class. Doing the workout, they will also go out of their way to help me or correct my form. 

What was your 1st CrossFit workout?
My first workout was a bunch of kettlebell swings, rowing and sit-ups. I definitely didn’t know that everything was timed and competitive. When I finished and looked around, everyone was already cleaned up and ready to leave. I realized I had a lot of things I needed to work on. I also was so sore I couldn’t get out of bed the next day, but that happens more often than not now too. 

In what ways has CrossFit changed your life?
Crossfit has made me view myself a lot differently than when I started. Me along with every other female in the world looks in the mirror and wants to change something about themselves. I initially started CrossFit to do just that look a certain way or look how someone else looks. As I continued to do CrossFit I realized it’s not about what I look like but what my body can do. I never thought I would be able to lift weights and do handstand pushups and all the other crazy, outrageous things we do in that place. I’ve gained so much more confidence since starting it’s crazy! Most importantly I go now to just have fun and mentally enjoy my hour of “quiet”.

Favorite Workout/movement
Definitely burpees :)  As for favorite workout there is nothing better than a 9am thanksgiving "Murph".

Least Favorite Workout/movement
This list can go on and on but I’ll cut it down to my top 3. Snatch, wall-balls, and that stupid bike, man I hate that thing. 

Any advice you would give to newbies?
Don’t be afraid, just do it! Whenever I mention CrossFit to anyone the first thing they say is “I couldn’t do that” but you can! You have to give it time. You won’t be able to do every single movement when you first start but you start slow. You learn and get better everyday that you are there. Never be afraid to ask for help either if you are unsure about something someone will always be there to guide you through the movements.

Nicole "Flexy" Flechsig

What is your Occupation?
Registered Nurse

Summertime is my favorite. I love beach days, vacations & relaxing by the pool. My 3 boys keep me busy with their interests and activities.

Tell CFD something we don’t know about you.
I tried a couple of CrossFit classes back in 2018 but I didn’t like it! I ended up going to Burn Boot Camp for 2 years but got bored and made my way back to CFD.

When did you start Crossfitting?
I joined in February 2021.

What do you like most about CFD?
The people! I’ve made so many friendships at CFD. Everyone is so encouraging and supportive of one another. Shoutout to Bri for being my 1st CrossFit friend

What was your 1st CrossFit workout?
I think it had rowing and kettlebell swings.

In what ways has CrossFit changed your life?
CrossFit has absolutely changed my life. I feel so much stronger and more confident. CrossFit is my therapy. I feel so much better after I workout.

Favorite Workout/movement
My favorite movements are wall balls, hang cleans, wall walks, and anything on the rig.

Least Favorite Workout/movement
I’m not a fan of anything with dumbbells, rowing or pushups. Deadlifts are my enemy.

Any advice you would give to newbies?
Don’t be afraid to give it a try. It looks intimidating but there are modifications for everything. Once you get started you’ll be hooked like the rest of us here!

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Derek Belong and Brianna Mentzer

Rachel Dunham and Cam Quintin

Nicole Flechsig and Rob Bonanno

Tiffany Defrias and Stephen Davis

Michele Lieberman and Ken Sullivan

David Lambert and Danica Lambert

Melissa Lambert and Nathan Raposo

Kevin Jones and Soraia Amorim

Cougars and Cradle Robbers


Michele Lieberman and Paulo DeSouza

Newport Half Marathon


Emily Burnett

Invictus Boston Invitational (Elite Division)


Jason Burnett

Zac Collard

Adirondack Fitness Challenge

  • Saturday, June 29th and Sunday, June 30th 2024

  • More Info


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