Networking Expert Newsletter

VOL.1 Edition 38

Everyone has faced the procrastination beast at some point—sitting back, telling ourselves we'll start tomorrow, and then watching as tomorrow turns into next week, next month, or even next year. It's a common struggle, not just a symptom of laziness but often rooted in fear, perfectionism, or the overwhelming nature of our tasks.

But here's the good news: Procrastination is not an unbeatable foe. With the right mindset and strategies, we can overcome it, boosting our productivity, enhancing the quality of our work, and most importantly, improving our well-being. So, how do we kick procrastination to the curb?

The Why: Understanding the Need to Overcome Procrastination

Boost Productivity

When we procrastinate less, we complete tasks on time, freeing up our schedules and reducing the stress that comes with last-minute rushes. This not only helps us professionally but also opens up more personal time for relaxation or hobbies.

Enhance Quality

Starting tasks early gives us the time to refine and improve our work, leading to better outcomes and a sense of pride in our achievements.

Improve Well-being

Reducing procrastination decreases stress and anxiety levels, leading to a happier, healthier life.

The How: Practical Steps to Beat Procrastination

1. Break Tasks Down

Large tasks can seem daunting. Breaking them into smaller, manageable pieces makes them less intimidating and easier to start.

2. Set Clear Goals

Knowing exactly what you want to achieve can serve as a powerful motivator. Set specific, achievable goals to guide your efforts.

3. Create a Schedule

Dedicate specific times for specific tasks. A schedule can help you manage your time effectively and keep on track.

4. Find Your Motivation

Understanding the purpose behind your tasks can provide the motivation needed to get started. Whether it’s the satisfaction of completion, the rewards of success, or the personal growth that comes with it, find your why.

5. Limit Distractions

Identify what commonly distracts you (social media, television, etc.) and take steps to minimize these interruptions when it's time to work.

6. Reward Yourself

Completed a task? Treat yourself. Positive reinforcement can boost your motivation and make the process more enjoyable.

In Conclusion: A Journey, Not a Sprint

Overcoming procrastination is not about immediate perfection but continuous progress. Celebrate your small wins, learn from your setbacks, and keep pushing forward. The path to productivity and a more fulfilling life is paved with the tasks we've been putting off. So, let’s start today, kick procrastination to the curb, and reclaim our time and energy.

Let’s support each other on this journey to productivity and beyond.

Dr Patricia Rogers - “Unity In Service, Inc. is committed to creating speaking opportunities for business owners worldwide and takes pride in its efforts to support the global business community.”

“You Speak While Unity In Service, Inc. Fill The Seats.”

Dr. Rogers is a retired Corrections Lieutenant with 29 years of service in law enforcement, a 12-year veteran (US Army), and a graduate of ST. Thomas University. Dr. Rogers has positioned herself as a Visibility Strategist, 2x Winning International Public Speaker, 2x International Best-Selling Author, Business Consultant & Virtual Event Host & Organizer

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By Marla Press

Public Speaking Coach

Courage is all around us, but you have to claim it. What would happen if you stopped running from that which necessitates courage?

Speaking up more, expressing more of yourself, going for that interview or audition, risking rejection, not being perfect all take courage.

Being able to speak confidently in front of an audience is an essential skill that will make a huge difference in both your personal and professional life. It is time to overcome your fear and develop the courage to speak up and stand out. Maybe you are doing some speaking, but you know you could be putting yourself out there a lot more.

The faces of fear are many

Where does fear come from and why does it overtake your whole body?

You have fear because you are living in the past, assuming your current behavior or circumstances will have the same outcome as last time OR you are living in the future, imagining the worst case scenario. Now that is scary!

Fear can be your friend when it tells you that something is not right. You make it your enemy when you project negative thoughts onto it. Courage is your best friend. It tells you that you can do this. And just like any friends, they sometimes fight. Which do you want to win?

You can’t just say, “I won’t be afraid.” That’s trying to resist fear without working through it or understanding it. Make it your friend and don’t fight it. What you resist, persists.

What is still the number one fear of most people? Yep, you guessed it. Public Speaking. It’s called glossophobia. It’s ahead of death and even going to the dentist. It affects 70% of us, and the other 30% aren’t so good with it, either.

Does fear stop you from speaking up or speaking as often as you need to promote your business or yourself? Perhaps fear just creates a lump in your throat or butterflies in your stomach when you go to speak. Maybe it makes you forget all that great information you know and could recite it if no one was listening.

How can you have more courage?

It’s not by resisting it. Courage and confidence comes to you when you have candor and clarity. Most people tell you it’s the other way around. Be courageous and you will have confidence and clarity. Nope

Practice does not make perfect when you repeat the same thing and don’t learn new skills. Courage comes with candor. Say what you think and feel, take a stand, be yourself, let your personality come through, and have a conversation instead of a lecture.

Courage comes with clarity. Be clear on your passion and your purpose. Don’t just say I want to help people have better lives. Be extremely specific about who you want to help, how you want to help them, why you are so passionate about helping them with this, and specifically how they will transform. Clarity cultivates courage.

When you are clear about your passion and speak from the heart and gut, courage will follow. When you learn how to be in your full body presence instead of your intellectual mind, you will radiate courage.

Tips on how to say “yes” to courage and become an amazing speaker:

1. Prepare. Become an expert in your content. Tell yourself you know that you know the content. Do not memorize it! 

2. Focus on your audience. Know your audience…who they are, their language, their pain, and their desires. Make your talk about them, not about you.

3. Tell stories. We all love interesting stories and get pulled in by them. Make them emotional (they could be funny, sad, angry, or inspiring, but make your listeners feel something), relevant to what you offer, and ultimately about your audience not about you. 

4. Unhook from past experiences. (Marla can show you an exercise to unhook from your fear and past experiences forever.)

5. Get out of your intellectual mind and into your full body presence. This is key for being grounded, authentic, and powerfully magnetic. 

6. Stop performing and start connecting. Some entertainment factor is important to wow your audience. You don’t want to be boring. Yet, if you stay in performance mode too much, people don’t get a chance to connect to who you are and build trust. 

7. Become great on virtual stages. Learn how to use your body language, voice, energy, and the camera.

8. Own in-person stages. Be the star. Command attention.

9. Captivate your audience in the first 15 seconds and the immediate feedback will give you courage. 

10. Work with a coach or join a speaker training to learn skills so you can be the best version of Yourself.

If you’d like to learn how to build unwavering confidence, your wow factor, and your trust factor so that you attract limitless clients and riches, reach out to Marla Press. She offers a free session to assess where you are as a speaker and how to get where you want to go. Sign up here You can also join her masterclass for free October 15th .

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Do you know?

Garlic is in the top 10 foods that are good for your body

Agreed, it may make your breath smell, but trust us, the benefits it provides are well worth it. Garlic has been used to fight disease for hundreds of years now as it inhibits the growth of bacteria. It also lowers cholesterol, blood pressure and is a powerful anti-inflammatory. So look past the smell, buy some mouthwash and get yourself some garlic.


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