Networking Expert Newsletter

VOL.1 Edition 34

Pitching your business idea means putting yourself and your vision out there, which can be intimidating.

Fear of rejection or criticism from potential investors, partners, or customers can make it hard to remain confident and composed during the pitch.

I want you to know that when crafting your pitch that it comes from within you. Dig deep and feel the urge of helping someone else. Capturing their minds and having them feel your urgency to help them, to solve their challenges and to feel your warmth of care.

It’s all about “them”.

Take your fear away by making it about “them”. It’s nothing about you! You are knowledgeable about what you do and you are here to help them. You are what they need and you have what they need.

Show them about your super powers by making it about them.

You don’t have to do this alone. Let’s chat and walk the path together.

Every year, as summer reaches its zenith, there’s a shift that takes many by surprise: the arrival of pumpkin spice season. By mid-August, when the sun is still blazing, and beach days are in full swing, coffee shops and grocery stores are already rolling out the beloved fall flavor. For some, it’s a welcome sign of the cozy season to come; for others, it’s a perplexing rush to end summer before it’s even over. But why does pumpkin spice return earlier and earlier each year?

The Power of Nostalgia and Comfort

At its core, the pumpkin spice phenomenon is about more than just flavor. It’s a signal of comfort, tradition, and nostalgia. For many, the scent and taste of pumpkin spice evoke memories of autumn leaves, family gatherings, and the warmth of home. With life’s increasing pace and the stresses that accompany it, people gravitate toward things that make them feel grounded. Pumpkin spice, with its blend of cinnamon, nutmeg, and cloves, does just that.

As the world becomes more unpredictable, the desire to hold onto familiar comforts grows stronger. Retailers and brands recognize this, and they tap into these emotional triggers by bringing pumpkin spice to the forefront earlier each year.

It’s not just about selling a product; it’s about selling a feeling—one that many are eager to embrace, even if it means sipping a pumpkin spice latte while sweating in the summer sun.

The Economics of Anticipation

From a business perspective, launching pumpkin spice products early is a strategic move. The anticipation of fall and the popularity of pumpkin spice create a sense of urgency among consumers. By releasing these products in late summer, companies can extend the season and maximize profits. The earlier the launch, the longer the window to sell, and the more consumers can indulge in their pumpkin spice cravings.

Moreover, early releases generate buzz. Social media erupts with posts about the return of pumpkin spice, fueling the hype and making it seem like everyone is ready to embrace autumn—even if they’re still wearing shorts and flip-flops. This buzz is priceless marketing for brands, driving sales and reinforcing the cycle of early releases.

A Cultural Shift

Pumpkin spice season’s early arrival also reflects a broader cultural shift in how we experience time and seasons. In a world where instant gratification is the norm, waiting for fall to enjoy fall flavors seems almost unnecessary. Seasons, once marked by natural changes in the environment, are now increasingly defined by consumer products and marketing campaigns.

This cultural shift has blurred the lines between seasons, allowing for the early adoption of fall traditions. For some, it’s a sign that summer has become too long, and they’re ready for a change. For others, it’s simply about enjoying the best of both worlds—relishing the warm weather while indulging in the flavors of autumn.

Embracing the Blend of Seasons

As pumpkin spice season continues to creep earlier each year, it’s clear that the demand for fall flavors transcends the calendar. While some might lament at the premature end of summer, others find joy in the early arrival of a beloved tradition. Whether you’re a fan of the trend or not, there’s no denying that pumpkin spice has become a cultural staple—one that signals the start of a new season, even if the temperature outside says otherwise.

So, the next time you find yourself sipping a pumpkin spice latte while sweating under the summer sun, remember that it’s not just about the flavor. It’s about the comfort, the nostalgia, and the ever-growing anticipation of fall—a season that, thanks to pumpkin spice, seems to arrive a little earlier each year.

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Wed, August 28, 12pm – 1pm (CST)

Speaker : LaDonna McAbee

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Speaker : LaDonna McAbee

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