Networking Expert Newsletter

VOL.1 Edition 25

Welcome to another Transformative Tuesday, a day filled with potential and endless possibilities. As the week unfolds, let's harness the energy of this moment to motivate and inspire ourselves.

Here are some empowering thoughts to make this Tuesday a source of positive transformation:

Seize the day - Tuesdays are not just a midpoint; they're a fresh opportunity to make a significant impact. Embrace the day with enthusiasm, knowing that every moment is a chance to create positive change.

Set Intentions and take a moment to set intentions for the day. What do you want to achieve? What goals are you working towards? Setting intentions provides focus and direction, making your day more purposeful.

Embrace Challenges and see them as stepping stones to growth. Instead of fearing them, welcome challenges as opportunities for learning and improvement. Your ability to overcome challenges defines your strength and resilience.

Cultivate Positivity and surround yourself with positive energy. Engage in activities and conversations that uplift and inspire. Positivity is contagious; let your optimistic outlook influence those around you.

Express gratitude by taking a moment to see and feel the opportunities and experiences in your life. Gratitude shifts your focus from what's lacking to what's abundant, fostering a sense of contentment.

Learn and grow with each Tuesday, they are a great time for self-reflection.

What lessons have you learned recently? How can you apply them moving forward? Embrace continuous learning as a pathway to personal and professional growth.

Connect with others by strengthening your connections with others. Reach out to colleagues, friends, or family members. Meaningful connections enrich your life and provide support during challenges.

Pursue passion and find what sets your soul on fire? Use Tuesdays to indulge in activities that align with your passions. Pursuing your passions adds joy and fulfillment to your daily routine.

Always Celebrate Progress and reflect on your achievements, no matter how small. Celebrate the progress you've made towards your goals. Recognizing your accomplishments boosts motivation and confidence.

Spread kindness and feel how full your heart feels and watch your smile shine brighter. Acts of kindness have a ripple effect. Spread positivity by offering a kind word, a helping hand, or a simple gesture of generosity. Kindness not only brightens someone else's day but also enhances your own sense of well-being.

As you navigate this “Transformative Tuesday”, remember that the power to create change resides within you. Embrace the day with a positive mindset, set intentions, and watch as each moment unfolds with promise and potential. Today is your canvas—paint it with purpose, joy, and inspiration! 🌟✨

Health Scams

These involve fake "miracle cures" or alternative medicines that don't actually work, or offers for drugs/medicines without a prescription that could be counterfeit and dangerous.

Job Scams

These include fake job offers that require upfront fees for training, visas, or materials. "Work from home" schemes where you pay to register but the work leads are worthless.

Money Mule Scams

You are tricked into allowing your bank account to be used to transfer illegally obtained money in exchange for a commission, which is money laundering.

Online Auction/Shopping Scams

Scammers pose as buyers or sellers on auction sites. As a buyer, you pay but never receive the item. As a seller, the payment is fraudulent.

Phishing/Pharming Scams

You receive emails or are redirected to fake websites mimicking legitimate companies to trick you into entering login credentials and personal information.

Smishing Scams

Similar to phishing but via text message, trying to get you to call a fake number or click a malicious link to reveal personal details.

Computer Fraud

Scammers pretend to be from tech companies and claim there are issues with your computer to trick you into giving them remote access or paying for unnecessary services.

Blackmail Scams

Scammers threaten to release private information/content about you unless you pay them, often using intimidation tactics.

Sale of Nonexistent Goods

Scammers take payment via money transfer apps, gift cards etc. but never actually provide the goods or services promised.

Mail Fraud

Official-looking letters promising prizes or opportunities in exchange for upfront fees, but the promises are fake.

Banking/Credit Card Fraud

Fake emails/texts claiming issues with your accounts to get you to reveal login details on fake websites, or card skimming to steal your card info.

Small Business Scams

Fake invoices for listings or services, or scammers pretending a product was ordered to trick businesses into paying.

Investment/Gambling Scams

Promises of high returns on investments or ability to predict gambling outcomes, but they just take your upfront money.

The key things to watch for are unsolicited offers requiring upfront payments, requests for personal/financial information, high-pressure tactics, and anything seeming too good to be true.

Here's how it breaks down:

  • The beginning of Everything.

  • The end of Everywhere.

  • The beginning of Eternity.

  • The end of timE and spacE.

Our Upcoming Weekly Events

Networking Expert Monday Mojo

Mon, July 1, 5pm – 6pm (CST)

Networking Expert Workspace

Tue, July 2, 9am – 10am (CST)

Networking Expert Coffee Time

Wed, July 3, 9am – 10am (CST)

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Dr. Patricia Rogers Event

"2nd Networking & Marketing Extravaganza 2024"

📅 July 5, 2024 ⏰ Time: 12PM-5:30 PM (EST)

Register Now!

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Our Things Coming Up

I have discovered a new model in the digital marketing space where you can 4x your investment turn $125.00 into $500.00 as well earn a very simple passive income.

No recruiting necessary to earn.

It's been a blessing to so many who don't have the time or mental energy to hustle in the online marketing space.

Ask me how to get started , I am so happy to share..

Kellie Doiron

Every Thursday Night, 6PM PST, 7PM MST, 8PM CST, 9PM EST

Join our Cloud HD Video Meeting 👇


Meeting ID: 398 654 2544

Check out our latest upcoming workshops and don't forget to register!

Fire Up The Fourth Quarter With The Networking Expert Explosion Workshop

August 10 ,2024 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (CST)

🌐 Location: Online – Anywhere You Are!

🌟 Don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Reserve your seat now and be part of a community of

go-getters and innovators looking to make an impact.

Hurry up & Register Now !!

Limited Seats Available

Reserve your speaker spot TODAY !!

Join us for an incredible event and set sail on the vacation that you deserve!

Networking Expert Summer

Revival For Business

Join us for an invigorating 4-part workshop designed to revitalize your business strategies and accelerate your growth! Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your established business to the next level, this series is tailored for you. Each session is crafted to empower and inspire, leading up to a grand celebration of your achievements!

Register Now !!


My Favorites Salad

By Tricia Parido

Just finished making this delicious and vibrant lunch – chopped chicken, avocado, and apples tossed in a light Italian-style dressing.

As someone who’s always been interested in optimizing my physical performance, I've discovered that what I eat plays a crucial role in how I feel and function.

This journey has been about more than just staying fit; it's been about uncovering the secrets to living vibrantly.

Along the way, I've learned what my body needs to keep anxiety at bay and to help me stay focused despite my ADD traits.

This meal, for example, is packed with nutrients that support my microbiome, boost my mood, and fuel my body.

The combination of lean protein, healthy fats, and fresh fruits provides sustained energy without the crash that comes from processed foods.

Plus, it's a delicious way to stay on track with my mental fitness goals.

What about you?

Have you found that certain foods help you feel more balanced and focused? Share your go-to meals and tips below!


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