Networking Expert Newsletter

VOL.1 Edition 24

Overcoming rejection in the process of building business connections is a common challenge, but it's essential for personal and professional growth.

Strategies will help you navigate and overcome rejections.

Reframe Your Perspective:

Understand that rejection is a natural part of any business or networking journey.

View rejection as an opportunity for redirection rather than a personal failure.

See it as a step toward finding the right connections that align with your goals.

Don't Take it Personally:

Separate your personal worth from the rejection. A rejection in business doesn't define your value as an individual.

Understand that various factors, such as timing or specific business needs, may contribute to the rejection.

Learn from Rejections:

Treat rejections as valuable learning experiences.

Reflect on the reasons behind the rejection and identify areas for improvement.

Use feedback, if available, to refine your approach in future interactions.

Maintain a Positive Mindset:

Cultivate a positive outlook and focus on the bigger picture.

Remember that each rejection brings you one step closer to finding the right connections.

Acknowledge the progress you've made and the connections you've successfully built.

Build Resilience:

Develop resilience to bounce back from rejection quickly.

Embrace setbacks as temporary obstacles and maintain your enthusiasm for building connections.

Understand that resilience is a key trait in successful business endeavors.

Diversify Your Approach:

Explore different strategies for building connections.

Diversify your network by attending various events, engaging in different platforms, and reaching out through multiple channels.

Set Realistic Expectations:

Recognize that not every connection will lead to a positive outcome, and that's okay.

Set realistic expectations and understand that building meaningful connections is a gradual process.

Seek Support:

Share your experiences with trusted mentors, friends, or colleagues.

Seek advice and insights from those who have faced similar challenges.

Sometimes, an external perspective can provide valuable insights.

Celebrate Small Wins:

Acknowledge and celebrate small successes and positive interactions.

Focus on the connections you've successfully built rather than dwelling on rejections.

Keep Moving Forward:

Use rejection as motivation to persist and refine your approach.

Keep moving forward, continue expanding your network, and stay committed to your goals.

Remember, rejection is not a reflection of your abilities or worth. It's a natural part of the journey, and each rejection brings you closer to the right opportunities. Stay resilient, stay positive, and keep building connections with determination and enthusiasm.

Let’s start by saying running any business on your own takes a lot of commitment, sacrifice, and courage. You can recite those same words being the parent of a special needs child. The courage to run your own business is a choice, however, while courage as a special needs parent is thrust upon you.

Courage is not a lack of fear, as we know, it’s facing the fear and forging on. That fear rears its’ head with each new challenge, new school, new friend, new activity, and new phase of life. The courage requires stepping in over and over again to test the water, find the comfort, invite your child in, and then let them swim on their own. That’s kind of like business, too. If we aren’t moving ahead in some new way our business is sinking. Swimming in these two pools at the same time takes some skill to avoid drowning.

One of the best choices I made when my third child was born was to leave full-time work. I worked part-time for a few years, but I needed more income and more flexibility. My daughter has attended speech therapy and swimming with a Special Olympic team that required pulling her out of school every week.

She needed a driver to attend a college program. There are also thunderstorms, and scary movies, monthly menstruation, and auditory overload that needed my calming presence on occasion.

Running a meaningful business while making my family my top priority required, first, that I find a passion in my work to give it meaning. My work as a writer includes teaching, marketing, copywriting and ghostwriting to help clients find the stories that connect to their values and passions. That fulfills a much-needed creativity piece for me. And my training as a communication coach fulfills that science and proof-of-concept I need, too. My work allows me to help others, develop meaningful relationships, and balance the right side and left side of my brain. I needed these reasons to be an entrepreneur beyond making an income.

The second thing I need is to carve out time for me. I have dedicated entire periods of my life to work,and other periods of life to my family. It just can’t sustain. You have to come first. You can only really give authentically from the overflow of your full cup. Your cup needs to stay full so there is no resentment or judgment or obligation. There is only fully present you. Weekly I attend coaching sessions, I meditate, spend time outdoors, hit the gym, and garden in the summer months. This doesn’t always end up working out each day, but it is a standard I live by. It’s not selfish; it’s self-preservation.

This requires planning, so that is step three. I plan my week with “must do” events for business, family, and myself. I fill in the gaps with other work and family activities. I also ask for help. On the regular. I ask for business help. I ask for personal help. I let people know what I need. People want to help. They want you to succeed. They want your child to succeed. And I offer help back.

One of the keys to this planning is flexibility. I plan time and space in my week for the unseen. I adjust daily when I am working around her needs. I may plan to work in the morning, but my daughter needs mom time. So I shift to the afternoon. It’s important to acknowledge her needs and then set her up with activities and full awareness of my expectations while I work. I plan blocks of time. When she was younger I would sometimes get a few hours; sometimes only a half-hour at a time. She is becoming more independent and that makes my juggle a little easier. My days are going to change again, soon,though, as I drive her back and forth to a part-time summer job. I plan work around her schedule, my personal commitments, and make adjustments as needed.

We just experienced another challenge in my daughter’s life as she traveled away from family for the first time to attend the Special Olympics Provincial Swim Meet. The preparation started months ago finding opportunities to build her confidence and courage to make the trip. We trained, of course, in the pool, but so much more of it was mindset. That’s like business, too, isn’t it? We know our area of genius but often second guess our abilities. Or spend too much time doing things we don’t excel at. I’m proud to say she managed three nights away from home, a day-long bus ride, and big crowds at the opening ceremonies. She even won a gold medal! And we celebrated afterwards with a little trip to Niagara Falls, one of her favorite destinations.

Be sure to celebrate your victories, too. I’m grateful that I have been able to offer her so much because of my entrepreneurial path. You have benefited others around you, too. And you certainly have the pride of being a business owner. One of my undertakings for 2024 is to become more like a CEO and delegate the tasks that aren’t in my genius zone. If my business is to grow, I must embrace that same confidence and courage I teach my daughter to invest in my future. If copywriting or ghostwriting canhelp your business grow, let’s chat.

Here's how it breaks down:

  • The beginning of Everything.

  • The end of Everywhere.

  • The beginning of Eternity.

  • The end of timE and spacE.

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📅June 22, 2024 ⏰ Time: 10 AM to 2 PM (PDT)

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Our Things Coming Up

I have discovered a new model in the digital marketing space where you can 4x your investment turn $125.00 into $500.00 as well earn a very simple passive income.

No recruiting necessary to earn.

It's been a blessing to so many who don't have the time or mental energy to hustle in the online marketing space.

Ask me how to get started , I am so happy to share..

Kellie Doiron

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Fire Up The Fourth Quarter With The Networking Expert Explosion Workshop

August 10 ,2024 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM (CST)

🌐 Location: Online – Anywhere You Are!

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Revival For Business

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My Favorites Salad

By Tricia Parido

Just finished making this delicious and vibrant lunch – chopped chicken, avocado, and apples tossed in a light Italian-style dressing.

As someone who’s always been interested in optimizing my physical performance, I've discovered that what I eat plays a crucial role in how I feel and function.

This journey has been about more than just staying fit; it's been about uncovering the secrets to living vibrantly.

Along the way, I've learned what my body needs to keep anxiety at bay and to help me stay focused despite my ADD traits.

This meal, for example, is packed with nutrients that support my microbiome, boost my mood, and fuel my body.

The combination of lean protein, healthy fats, and fresh fruits provides sustained energy without the crash that comes from processed foods.

Plus, it's a delicious way to stay on track with my mental fitness goals.

What about you?

Have you found that certain foods help you feel more balanced and focused? Share your go-to meals and tips below!


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