Networking Expert Newsletter

VOL.1 Edition 1

January was named for the Roman god Janus, known as the protector of gates and doorways, who symbolize beginnings and endings.

Janus is depicted with two faces, one looking into the past, the other with the ability to see into the future.

Unlocking the Power of Genuine Connections in 2024

Crafting meaningful connections in the professional landscape is a key strategy for success as we start the new year. Let's explore the art of connection — not just a casual exchange of business cards or a digital connection request, but a purposeful and authentic engagement that can shape your professional journey.

1. Identify Shared Interests

When initiating a connection, look for shared interests, whether it's a common passion for your industry, a shared goal, or a similar professional background. Identifying these commonalities provides a solid foundation for a more meaningful connection.

2. Dive into Industry Trends

Stay updated on the latest trends and happenings in your industry. Use this knowledge as a conversation starter when connecting with others. Discussing industry trends not only showcases your expertise but also demonstrates your commitment to staying informed and engaged in your field.

3. Highlight Recent Accomplishments

Whether you've recently completed a project, achieved a milestone, or received recognition, share your accomplishments. It's an excellent way to not only showcase your skills and expertise but also to engage others in meaningful conversations about your professional journey.

4. Ask Thoughtful Questions

Engage in conversations by asking thoughtful and open-ended questions. This approach not only demonstrates your genuine interest in the other person but also encourages a more profound and authentic exchange. Remember, it's not just about what you say, but how you make the other person feel.

5. Active Listening Matters

While presenting your thoughts is important, equally crucial is active listening. Pay close attention to what others are saying and respond thoughtfully. This reciprocal approach fosters a connection that goes beyond surface-level interactions.

6. Find Common Ground

Seek out common ground beyond professional aspects. Whether it's a shared hobby, a similar educational background, or a common goal, finding areas of overlap builds a more robust foundation for your connection.

7. Approach Each Connection as an Opportunity

Every connection is an opportunity for growth, learning, and collaboration. Approach each interaction with an open mind, viewing it as a chance to enrich your professional journey and contribute positively to someone else's.

As we embark on a new year, let's commit to mastering the art of connection. By focusing on shared interests, industry trends, recent accomplishments, thoughtful questions, active listening, finding common ground, and approaching each connection as a unique opportunity, we set the stage for meaningful and prosperous collaborations throughout 2024. Here's to a year filled with enriching connections, learning experiences, and shared successes!"

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Meet our Spotlight Member

Abidel Bassie-Cripps

Abidel Bassie-Cripps,

better known as Abi, is a tech support specialist with over three decades of experience in the information technology industry.

Since she retired from being a truck driver, she has expanded her love of helping people adjust to their computers. Sometimes it is a new computer or new skills that people need help with. Whatever the reason, Abi has been enjoying her expertise of solving a number of computer issues.

Many friends have come to her for help after having bad experiences with traditional computer IT / Tech Support shops. With Abi's attribute of caring about people, she does not want to see anyone settle for unsatisfactory work. She has helped businesses from all industries diagnose and solve their computer problems.

For various reasons, Abi is enjoying her new journey helping people solve their computer woes and is looking forward to expanding her businesses.

I offer tax free on anything that I offer. It is all CAD pricing.

Let's Test Our Member's Favorite Recipe

Basic Plant- Based Overnight Oats Recipe:

Overnight oats are a fantastic and easy plant-based breakfast option.

Here's a basic recipe for plant-based overnight oats followed by a few flavor variations:


1. 1/2 cup rolled oats (gluten-free if needed)

2. 1/2 cup plant-based milk (almond, soy, oat, coconut, etc.)

3. 1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional, for added thickness and omega-3s)

4. 1 tablespoon maple syrup or agave nectar (adjust to taste)

5. 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

6. Pinch of salt.


1. In a jar or container with a lid, combine rolled oats, plant-based milk, chia seeds (if using), maple syrup or agave nectar, vanilla extract, and a pinch of salt.

2. Stir well to combine all ingredients.

3. Seal the jar or container with a lid and refrigerate overnight or for at least 4 hours.

4. In the morning, give the oats a good stir. You can eat them cold or warm them up in the microwave or on the stovetop if desired.

5. Add your choice of toppings and enjoy!

Flavor Variations:​​

1. Chocolate Peanut Butter Overnight Oats: Add 1 tablespoon cocoa powder and 1 tablespoon peanut butter to the basic recipe. You can also top it with some chopped peanuts or cacao nibs.

2. Apple Cinnamon Overnight Oats: Add 1/2 cup grated apple and 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon to the basic recipe. You can also add a handful of raisins or chopped nuts for extra flavor and texture.

3. Berry Bliss Overnight Oats: - Add 1/2 cup mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries) and a drizzle of berry compote or jam to the basic recipe. You can also add a sprinkle of shredded coconut or almonds on top.

4. Banana Nut Overnight Oats: - Add 1/2 mashed banana and a sprinkle of chopped walnuts or pecans to the basic recipe. You can also add a dash of cinnamon or nutmeg for extra flavor.

5. Pumpkin Spice Overnight Oats: - Add 1/4 cup pumpkin puree, 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin spice mix, and a drizzle of maple syrup to the basic recipe. Top with some crushed graham crackers or pecans for added crunch.

Feel free to adjust the sweetness, consistency, and toppings according to your preference. Overnight oats are versatile, so you can get creative with flavors and ingredients!

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