Know that learning styles and lifestyles impact the ease of human learning. Some learn best by seeing, hearing, or interacting, and others are receptive to quiet, uninterrupted time regardless of primary learning style. Develop your product line and your promotional campaigns to accommodate the variations mentioned in this article. You may see a trend surface with greater results from one repetition method over another.
SEEKTo further attract and retain your ideal audience, periodically provide a short survey asking your people their preference in learning style (seeing, hearing, interacting), in lifestyle (listening while traveling or exercising, reading with background music), or short form or longer form. (tips, narrative, a combination).
SIMPLIFYGathering such information simplifies your ability to give your people what they want, whether more consistently, planned out in a specific intentional sequence, or some of each when promoting a new product or in teaching moments. That information also helps you test whether decision makers will actually step up to invest in a purchase from you before you go headlong into spending time and money producing a new product.