You’ve heard the word “value” many times. So have I. Until a week ago, the definition always seemed vague to me, and not quantifiable. You, too? I had a conversation with a well-respected colleague who clarified it for me and also provided a big sigh of relief.
All along, it’s always been about focusing on the benefits a client will have when working with me (or you, or any product or service provider). How will that person benefit? How will your offer improve their life? THAT is the value!!
It is not how many pages are in the book or consulting sessions you’re offering. There are plenty of examples of that. Year-long high-priced coaching or consulting programs do not automatically provide value. Yes, many do…and many don’t.
When you offer your buyers what helps THEM in ways important to THEM, the price becomes less challenging in the overall conversation. And, it must be important to THEM, no matter how clearly and obviously YOU see your offer as a solution to a problem YOU see.
Among the many outcomes or solutions your knowledge can provide your bulk sale or content licensing decision maker, you can help: