Tips on Tips

Where Tips Can Improve Your Life

 “The reason it seems that price is all your customers care about is that you haven't given them anything else to care about.”

― Seth Godin

You’ve heard the word “value” many times. So have I. Until a week ago, the definition always seemed vague to me, and not quantifiable.  You, too? I had a conversation with a well-respected colleague who clarified it for me and also provided a big sigh of relief.

All along, it’s always been about focusing on the benefits a client will have when working with me (or you, or any product or service provider).  How will that person benefit? How will your offer improve their life? THAT is the value!!

It is not how many pages are in the book or consulting sessions you’re offering. There are plenty of examples of that. Year-long high-priced coaching or consulting programs do not automatically provide value. Yes, many do…and many don’t. 

When you offer your buyers what helps THEM in ways important to THEM, the price becomes less challenging in the overall conversation. And, it must be important to THEM, no matter how clearly and obviously YOU see your offer as a solution to a problem YOU see. 

Among the many outcomes or solutions your knowledge can provide your bulk sale or content licensing decision maker, you can help:

  • Increase their profit, revenue, or both

  • Decrease their expenses

  • Expand their market share in their industry

  • Differentiate their company in a crowded field

  • Make a positive impact as someone new to their position

  • Improve their tainted company reputation

  • Refine their market research

  • Expand their product line by licensing your content into their packaging

  • Reach a non-English speaking population they never considered

  • Value your company as an important resource

These ten outcomes are  among the many forms of value that you bring to decision makers. Imagine how delighted they will be with your menu of solutions. Their challenges, problems, difficulties, or anything else that keeps them awake at night – you might even become one-stop shopping for them! Once you provide a remedy for one item on the list, the odds are high that you’ll be hearing from them again to deal with some other thorn in their side.

When your buyer emails to say the campaign using one of your tips products as a gift with purchase increased overall sales 13%, your products certainly brought value! One of our licensing transactions did exactly that. And that 13% was a large multiple of return on the low five-digit licensing investment they happily paid us. Since the company was as enthused as they were with that 13% number, I had the feeling it might have also surpassed some other promotional campaign results they had done, yet I chose not to ask.

The very first large quantity (bulk sale) we made was to a small business owner who wanted to use our original “110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life” booklet as a holiday greeting to his personal and professional contacts. That buyer valued it because it differentiated him and his company out in the marketplace, plus the content was generic enough to be helpful to anyone who received it. It was a unique, inexpensive item for him to provide as a gift, it was personalized so it had his company name on the cover serving as a low-key marketing tool.

Yes, it had value, for sure. It didn’t matter that it had 16 pages, a glossy cover, and fit into a #10 size envelope. Really, truly, that was unimportant. It was ALL about value.

Next time you are visiting with a decision maker or even someone you determine would not be a buyer, talk about the value, how what you’ve got helps companies, associations, and individuals.  Listen for concerns people share with you, the pebble in their shoe, the thorn in their side. What makes them groan when they think about business? What have you got to turn that groan into overflowing enthusiasm instead?

Next time you are visiting with a decision maker or even someone you determine would not be a buyer, talk about the value, how what you’ve got helps companies, associations, and individuals.  Listen for concerns people share with you, the pebble in their shoe, the thorn in their side. What makes them groan when they think about business? What have you got to turn that groan into overflowing enthusiasm instead?

And, by the way, if after all that enthusiasm, you hear “we have no budget” once you tell them what the investment is, see what you can do about bringing that investment to a quantity or format that they CAN do…NOW! They’ll find more budget once they see the results!

Watch Your INBOX

A lot of conversation, planning, and development has been happening behind the scenes on Content Licensing. A colleague and I will be co-presenting a 6-8 week live course in November and early December that will blow your hat off (in GOOD ways!!). We’ve each had different in-the-trenches experiences to share with you so YOU can provide ongoing value to decision makers who will be eager to do business with you. We will dispel your concerns and confusion so you’ll be chomping at the bit to make your content available for licensing. 

Easily and Simply Expand Your Product Line

Not only is Content Licensing an instant way to expand what you currently offer, so is offering your products in languages other than English. We have a wonderful professional connection with a translation company that guarantees perfection!  Talk about providing value!! An ideal starting point is Spanish. The market is very large. Many of your clients never considered marketing to the Hispanic, Spanish-speaking community. Offering your tips product line in Spanish, one product at a time, is a way for your clients to easily and uniquely reach more people and expand their bottom line. Email or phone me to make this happen now.

© 2024, Paulette Ensign All rights reserved


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Stay current with events and opportunities from Tips Products Publishing Agency. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter, “Tips on Tips,”delivered on or about the 15th of each month.

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Discovery Call

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  • Wondering how to market those books you’ve written?

  • Questioning the merits of translating your content?

  • Aiming at broader name and brand recognition?

  • Wishing for more Amazon book sales, connecting with your buyers?

Let’s explore what’s important to you and ways to get there!

Discovery Call

Schedule a brief no-cost Zoom about your next steps.

  • Wondering how to market those books you’ve written?

  • Questioning the merits of translating your content?

  • Aiming at broader name and brand recognition?

  • Wishing for more Amazon book sales, connecting with your buyers?

Let’s explore what’s important to you and ways to get there!

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