Tips on Tips

Where Tips Can Improve Your Life

Experiment Your Way to Success

“All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better.”

― Ralph Waldo Emerson

Your vision of success could be the last thing someone wants or chooses for themselves. Or, imagine aiming for someone else’s success to discover their path and results give you no joy at all. This happens frequently.

Your skills, gifts, talents, and perspectives are different from anyone’s.

Identifying, capitalizing, owning, and embracing yours is the trailhead, a starting point for your success journey wherever you are in life! Consider these stepping stones:

  1. Notice what gets your juices going, losing all sense of time.

  2. Consider what fields can benefit from your skills, gifts, and talents.

  3. Explore various distribution methods that help the most people.

  4. Discover how others serve your same audience.

  5. Brainstorm ways to fill a gap so your uniqueness stands out.

Those suggestions expand your thinking, especially the fifth one. Each step is crucial. The icing on the cake is Number 5. Uniqueness comes in many forms and sizes. You might uniquely find a different use for what was created than the original intention. How about the too-weak glue formula that became incredibly successful sticky notes - seeing what WOULD work from a formula “mistake”

How about a company using existing models, combining them to a dramatically improved product version? Sound canceling technology helped greatly by Artificial Intelligence technology is used in film making, headphone manufacturing, hearing aids, and other products and services involving sound to substantially enhance user experience.

Cell phone companies realized years ago they sell more otherwise-costly phones by offering monthly payment systems.That gave more people access to buying the phone and also qualifying for equipment upgrades at certain benchmarks. Doing that also greatly increased expensive phone sales.That form of the widely popular subscription model is used by many companies.

What already exists that you can use as a delivery method for your brilliance that no one else uses in your field? How else can you vary your content, into different languages, color choices, images, or packaging? Can you promote a product in one color in the children’s section and a different color of the same product in an adult section as many have done?

Staying flexible is the key to opening doors of possibilities. It’s also the lifeboat floating you from the Sea of Sameness to the Sea of Success!

Staying flexible is the key to opening doors of possibilities. It’s also the lifeboat floating you from the Sea of Sameness to the Sea of Success!

Have you written a book? Yup, millions of books and book authors out there! For as many as we’ve served in 30+ years, more have yet to benefit from repurposing those tips still offered free.

Have We Got a Deal for You!

Monetize Your Soundbites - 52 Tips on Tips is an eBook helping you do that! Benefit from a Professional Courtesy this month until July 31 at 11:59 pm Pacific Time. It’s usually $197. Enter 52TIPS into the promo coupon at checkout to see $97 show up instead! Yes, half off!!

Go – NOW, while still on your mind.

Remember, add 52TIPS as the coupon code to enjoy the $97 Professional Courtesy by Jul 31, 2024, when it returns to $197.

Get eBook

Remember, add 52TIPS as the coupon code to enjoy the $97 Professional Courtesy by Jul 31, 2024, when it returns to $197.

© 2024, Paulette Ensign All rights reserved

Perfect Translations Expand Your Reach and Bottom Line

When talking with decision makers about how your tips, books, and other content formats help their business, it’s worth asking what non-English speaking audiences they serve or wish to. They may not have thought beyond English speakers, or have limiting and inaccurate beliefs of being time consuming, costly, or somehow risky.

Fear not. Here’s solutions to ALL those concerns. Auerbach- International is a well-established, top quality company providing guaranteed perfect (yup, words rarely used!) translations in 120 languages! And 72% of the world is not native English speakers.

Philip Auerbach is founder and CEO of Auerbach-International. His company and ours have a wonderful professional friendship including introducing our audiences to each other’s services, without hesitation, and without you paying a penny more! Our companies are each 30+ years’ young.

Philip’s recent interview below shows who he is and how he and his company serve YOU. Not only do they provide translating and interpreting services, they also offer marketing services!

Treat yourself to this interview. Then contact Philip to discuss ways to benefit from expanding your offers into other languages locally and internationally. Watch the whole thing to hear humorous “oops” that do NOT happen at Auerbach-International


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You’ll also get special event notices and offers for you, our subscribers. Some colleagues send daily emails. We don’t.

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Stay current with events and opportunities from Tips Products Publishing Agency. Subscribe to the monthly newsletter, “Tips on Tips,”delivered on or about the 15th of each month.

You’ll also get special event notices and offers for you, our subscribers. Some colleagues send daily emails. We don’t.

Discovery Call

Schedule a brief no-cost Zoom about your next steps.

  • Wondering how to market those books you’ve written?

  • Questioning the merits of translating your content?

  • Aiming at broader name and brand recognition?

  • Wishing for more Amazon book sales, connecting with your buyers?

Let’s explore what’s important to you and ways to get there!

Discovery Call

Schedule a brief no-cost Zoom about your next steps.

  • Wondering how to market those books you’ve written?

  • Questioning the merits of translating your content?

  • Aiming at broader name and brand recognition?

  • Wishing for more Amazon book sales, connecting with your buyers?

Let’s explore what’s important to you and ways to get there!

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