Tips on Tips - Imagine If...

Tips on Tips

Where Tips Can Improve Your Life

Imagine If...

Imagination is more important that knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world. – Albert Einstein


… that simple title prompted something in your mind and your heart, too. What surfaced for you? Was it personal or professional? Your first answer was small, huge, doable or seemingly impossible, hinged on someone else’s attitudes or solely your doing.


As part of a seventh-month program on building successful courses, among many things I’m learning is market research. I sent individual invitations to share a 20 minute Zoom call answering questions about their business journey, their current and future products and services, and other related topics.


Not only has this process been enlightening, it was more fun than expected and was ALMOST better than ice cream. People offered lots of helpful information. I wondered if I learned to do market research earlier in life, how would that let me better serve clients. Three+ decades in this business, now the 7th decade of my life, so much could have been so different, and better! Anyway, here we are now.

Imagine If
Imagine If
Imagine If


The market research leads to offering a pilot class the end of September. That class will be co-created with attendees, to provide what's important to you including going beyond self-doubts when sharing your wisdom helping others, working ON your business to reach more people and make more money, knowing what to leave out, and implementing what you learn.


Imagine if you had colleagues encouraging you, learning to truly help people rather than sell something. Imagine no cold calling. Instead, you’d have a delightful conversation with someone so thrilled that you have appealing solutions to help improve their professional and even personal world. 


What about that fear? -- fear of failure, fear of success, fear you’re giving too little, fear your information is not valuable enough.  Imagine fearlessly going from one win to the next without sabotaging yourself. “As soon as” is there with the self-doubts and feelings about sales. “As soon as” is NOW.


Step by step, you’ll be guided toward creating outcomes you’ve been imagining – wonderful outcomes, exciting ones, ones that bring you joy, confidence, enthusiasm, and motivation to keep going even further than you thought you could. Outcomes that amaze and delight you and the people around you are within your reach, all built on firm foundation.


Imagine if pondering this article helped see things you thought were hidden, only to find your concerns are in common with lots of other people. Yours are distinctly and uniquely yours, yet relatable and recognizable by colleagues, friends, family, those you love and admire and who you have yet to meet.


You’ll have an opportunity in coming weeks to take action. Do you want to keep your concerns and obstacles to yourself and continue an inner struggle, or come play with colleagues who are having many of the same thoughts and feelings you are? For now, ponder the possibilities. Imagine if you let out bits and pieces of what you know and connect with people who are thrilled that you did. What would THAT feel like? I can hardly wait to find out WITH you.



How about being a Blog Guest Author on a relevant topic? Some possibilities:

  • First person story of strategically distributing or selling your expertise?

  • Conversation with a decision maker on ways to use your tips product.

  • Must-have resource you're jumping out of your skin to share.

Have you got an article you wrote on your blog, social media, or newsletter you'd like to recycle? We're happy to offer that gratis exposure, complete with a link to your site and a mini-bio. It must be your original writing not someone else's, and must be done by the Human you are. 500-ish word count.


Visit the business page for Tips Products Publishing Agency (besides my personal pages) on {{trigger_link.6ukfl7lDlWcW8ZO9npUx}} and {{trigger_link.qwmcWZwMifKihGLvqszb}}Add questions, comments, and opinions. Send friends, family, neighbors, former friends, former family, clients, and those interested to these social media pages.


With more opportunities than ever, I’ve been speaking at numerous Summits and Podcasts. Some recordings are posted for more learning opportunities. Even if you’ve heard me before, it comes out different each time! How about inviting me to speak at your event or podcast? I guarantee we'll have a fun time exploring possibilities still new to many people who can instantly benefit.


Consider testing some of the many Virtual Communities to expand your reach. One I like is a source of great colleagues, referrals, and new projects. {{trigger_link.avAdjTqBnd1qTXKtxYpr}} to see for yourself. Two monthly meetings typically each have 100+ people, and an opportunity for anyone to introduce themselves. Schedule is on their website.

Until we connect again,

Paulette Ensign,The Tips Products Strategist      


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