Tips on Tips

Tips on Tips

Where Tips Can Improve Your Life

No Budget Now

5 Solutions for You and Your Buyers

 “Wealth is not about having a lot of money; it’s about having a lot of options.”                                                                                        - Chris Rock


Who among us hasn’t heard those words, "No Budget Now," from someone who seems to be the ideal client for your products or services? Or was that YOU who said it at some point? I’ve certainly experienced both of those scenarios as part of my journey!


It’s possible you don’t have the money now without sacrificing a higher priority in your life. You DO know the “can’t afford it” response is often used as a handy hook to hang your escape (and mine!) from the conversation when you’d rather not express the real reason(s). The price and the values might not line up with yours, or other reasons you simply do not want to share or discuss.

When you really are short on cash that you’re eager to use to purchase consulting or other educational services programs for yourself, and the vendor is not willing to “take payments,” there are available solutions to consider. Among these there may also be appropriate solutions to suggest to YOUR buyers for them to get around their “no budget now” response to you. This list is not at all exhaustive!


1.   PRE-ORDERS for large quantity of your product by companies at wholesale.  You can offer a small “professional courtesy” deduction for advance payment in full. That maintains your status better than “discount,” don’t you agree? “Pre-order” is often used for books and cars before producing.

2.    LICENSES (RENT OUT) using your content that may already be on your hard drive in digital format. This removes production costs, except graphic design, unless you’re a graphic designer or know one willing to be paid after your first licensing deal. There’re also other ways to offload or pass it along.

3.    STATE WORK GRANTS do not need to be repaid. Many states have some form of grants for non-profit and for-profit individuals and companies. Here is an example in the State of Massachusetts. Search your state for grants like these.  {{trigger_link.kOSu2ZLY2dxzLEHvX5UY}}

4.    CORPORATE AND LOCAL SPONSORSHIP – Businesses sponsor specific causes, companies, and individuals. A department or a related non-profit foundation is specifically dedicated to sponsorship activities. Arline Warwick at {{trigger_link.dKQrSCqhRpBzQnbeCqQA}} can help with this.

5.    DIFFERENT BUSINESS BUDGETS are assigned for different purchases. This is especially true in companies. Speaker fees are from one budget, fees for books or other materials are from a different budget. Or more than one department may want to share a purchase of product or service.


Self-fund the investment at no or low cost as a solution responding to your current cash flow. Ideally this is done on a credit card with a zero percent or otherwise low interest rate. It’s an ideal option for keeping your investments untouched and when you are reluctant or unwilling to add debt to your finances.


Look at all those you can help, and make substantially more money than you have right now by considering the alternatives in this article? Who knows, you might discover other options once you’re expanding your perspective!


Are your mind hamsters running overtime as you read these possibilities? I’m happy to share a bit of time with you for any clarification you want or need. Find a convenient no-cost time on my calendar at {{trigger_link.dc4e803ohpGlbdCrBMLv}} Here’s to abundance for you, those you serve, and everyone THEY reach!!



Last month I mentioned the plan to add three self-guided courses this summer, titled:

  •        Monetize Your Soundbites 
  •        Someday I’ll Write a Book…or Not
  •        Got Book? … So What? 

And I said these would be the first of many courses to come. Fast forward to this month.

You may know I enrolled in a seven-month (!) incredible program with Danny Iny's company, The program includes every aspect of creating and offering hybrid courses. Hybrid courses in this context incorporate various media, exercises, a mix of pre-recorded and live content, and piloting a course so it becomes a co-creation with you rather than only my informed and uninformed choices and decisions. 

My new goal is to pilot a six-session course during August into very early September at an irresistible financial investment level for you...and build out from there to a menu of educational offers.

To tell you the process of this course building program is exhilarating doesn't begin to fully share my feelings about it. Yes, it's a lot of work. Yes, I've never felt so completely supported in any learning environment, ever! Yes, I am preparing to mimic that in what my company provides you. And yes, I'll be asking for your input so you receive the very best guidance. Stay tuned for more as this unfolds in the days and weeks to come.


In the meantime, it's worth reminding you that there are new articles posted on the blog at {{trigger_link.yr8V6UrM5zX5xeqvmtPv}}

More articles are in the hopper. How about being considered as a Blog Guest Author on a relevant topic? We're happy to offer you that exposure, complete with a link back to your site. Pop me an email or schedule a time to chat about you being a Blog Guest Author.


There is a new business page for Tips Products Publishing Agency (besides my personal pages) on {{trigger_link.6ukfl7lDlWcW8ZO9npUx}} and {{trigger_link.qwmcWZwMifKihGLvqszb}} Add your questions, comments, and opinions.


Do you host a Podcast or are you producing any Summits? I’ve been speaking at Summits and Podcasts and will be doing lots more. Some recordings are posted for more learning opportunities for you. Even if you’ve heard me before, it comes out a little different each time! How about inviting me to speak at your event or podcast? 


Consider testing some of the many Virtual Communities to expand your reach. One source of wonderful colleagues, referrals, and new projects has been {{trigger_link.avAdjTqBnd1qTXKtxYpr}}


Many people at online networking events I've been attending and getting to know provide valuable and relevant services for our Subject Matter Experts Community. And, the lovely, high integrity ones will be shared with you! You deserve nothing less. 

Until we connect again,

Paulette Ensign,The Tips Products Strategist      


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