Whether a long-time subscriber to this newsletter or arrived more recently, using how-to tips to share your expertise captured your interest. Maybe you created a tips manuscript, booklet, and other online and offline delivery formats. Or you’re debating your sound bites’ value – is it worth the time, money, or effort to explore that? There is no right or wrong to your thoughts or feelings.
What IS important is inviting you to assess where you, your business, and your life are, to make informed decisions about what to do with your knowledge, experience, and resources.
- Are you excited by your business?
- Do you want an easy, almost effortless, and enjoyable spark lit?
- Is spending less time or spending it differently important to you?
- Is having a “side hustle” appealing?
- Do you believe your field is saturated by other experts?
- Did you write one or more books now collecting dust not dollars?
- Have you talked about writing a book that’s yet to be a reality?
- Do you think everyone already knows what you know?
- Is fear, someone, or something stopping you from moving forward?
- Do you think you need more knowledge to be an expert?
These prompts are to get you thinking. You are not the only one experiencing or believing this. It could be time to look through different lenses at what you know, what you want, and when you’ll allow yourself to take action. Your next steps are yours to choose. There are people whose lives you can greatly enrich, no matter how many times or what formats you’ve shared your brilliance before.
New generations appear every day. They see through different eyes and hear through different ears. Yes, an amazing grasp of the obvious. There is so much in our respective minds making it challenging to access every bit of useful information.
If you’ve done tips already, consider revising them to current reality if they’re not “evergreen.” Or create a new, related set of tips. Explore expanding your product line with other delivery formats of the same information online and offline.
Want to bring any of your books back to life again or create more basic entry points to your topic(s)? A 52-tip manuscript from your book’s content can powerfully re-introduce your book. The tips can also be licensed or sold wholesale to a relevant association or company, dripping a tip a week on their email lists, offering your product as a gift with purchase, or bundling with their product as a value-added.
Your experiences (including previous sub-par results) are history not current reality. You learned lessons to build different results at different times with different people.
Let’s treasure the old and co-create something new from it. My 32 years in this business makes me your ideal guide in traveling that journey with you. The new version of our website is evidence of that by its appearance and content, intentionally (re)growing slowly at this point.
There are new ways to benefit from
We’re adding three self-guided courses this summer:
- Monetize Your Soundbites
- Someday I’ll Write a Book…or Not
- Got Book? … So What?
These are the first of many courses to come.
Articles are posted, with more in the hopper. Let me know if you'd like to be considered as a Blog Guest Author on a relevant topic.
There is a new business page for Tips Products Publishing Agency (besides my personal pages) on LinkedIn and Facebook. Add your questions, comments, and opinions.
With more opportunities than ever, I’ve spoken at Summits and Podcasts. Some recordings will be posted for more learning opportunities. Even if you’ve heard me before, it's different each time! How about speaking at your event or podcast?
Consider testing some of the many Virtual Communities to expand your reach. One source of wonderful colleagues, referrals, and new projects has been (Joint Ventures)
Many people at networking events I've been attending and getting to know provide valuable and relevant services for our Subject Matter Experts Community. And, the lovely, high integrity ones will be shared with you! You deserve nothing less.
Until we connect again,
Paulette Ensign,The Tips Products Strategist
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