Recital Choreography, summer & Penny drive

3/5/25: Recital Choreography, summer & penny drive!

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Recital Website

Added (on 1/15/25) : Recital Show assignments **Please check this chart to make sure you have the correct shoe color/style for recital.

Welcome Packet


We are 2 1/2 weeks into learning recital choreography and I'm loving what I'm seeing so far when I make my special "Miss Kate" visits into the classrooms (or from the viewing windows). The teachers are so creative and talented and SO much work goes into creating these dances behind the scenes...we are very lucky to have such awesome, talented and caring teachers!

And are doing GREAT learning so far! We know it's a lot between choreography and formations, etc. Keep it up, we are so proud of you all! You are going to SHINE on that stage and what a cool experience for you that you will remember forever!

And big shout out to the assistant teachers. Many of them have 6+ of their own recital dances to learn on top of the classes that they assist. They help us teachers figure out formations and work with the dancers to help them too. They are THE BEST! We have 24 assistant teachers this year and many more waiting in the wings for their chance to become a teacher.

~Miss Kate


It's March, which means it's almost penny drive time!

Bring in your pennies from March 1-20. Then watch our LDC Facebook page on 3/21 to guess the amount of pennies we collected. If you are the closest without going over, you will get the money (turned into cash though!).

And the BEST part is...LDC will donate ONE DOLLAR for EACH penny collected, up to $1,000, and that will be donated to the MACC Fund. So it's a great cause and great fun. Bring in those pennies!!!


Calling any and all Rose Glen know what's coming up next month? The Rose Glen Chicken BBQ!!!

We've performed at this event for maybe as long as we've been open! It's one of our favorite events and ways to use dance to give back to our community.

Rose Glen students only: If you plan to dance with us,

fill this form out to let us know! Sunday April 27 at 1:00pm



Summer info is coming out soon...we can't wait to dance with you this summer. What a great chance to try a new style, improve your technique and have FUN!

Lots of fun one day themed camps again's going to be great!

Registration will begin on April 1!

BIG CONGRATS to Miss Olivia!!

She got engaged this weekend. We are SO happy for her and her fiancee Tommy! We wish them both a long lasting, marriage full of fun and adventure together!!

There were LOTS of squeals of joy last night when she told some of her students. It was pure happiness!



Seeing "the littles" watch "the bigs" is one of our FAVORITE things to see. They look up to them SO much and dream of someday being just like them.

"Littles"...we can't wait to see you continue to grow as a dancer and person.

"Bigs" keep inspiring the next generation...they just adore you all!


The dancers and teachers are working HARD learning their recital dances. They started last week and will be learning new choreography until about Spring Break. Then after spring break, the "cleaning" and "tweaking" begins to get the dances and dancers ready to take the big stage on May 30-31.

REMINDER: At this point in the season, make up classes are no longer allowed. Each class is working on their own specific dance with unique formations and choreography and it's just too confusing for all if you were to do a make up.

Please do your best to be at all of your classes (unless you are sick, then stay home and get better!). Trust the process and know that come May, everyone will be ready to rock that stage. We can't wait!!


  • Click HERE for the recital website. More info will be added as the season goes on.

  • Please be sure that your dancer has the correct shoe COLOR & STYLE for their recital dance.

    • You can find that info on the recital chart (link at top of this email). It's important for them to practice in them before the big show.

  • We will be sending out recital info in small bits over the next few months. The recital website will be updated accordingly. But if you ever have any questions...especially our newbies, just let us know! We are always happy to help however we can.

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