Recital choreography, tees and summer

2/26/25: Recital Choreography, Tees & summer!

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Recital Website

FINAL DAYS: added (on 2/5/25) : Recital Tee order form

Recently added (on 1/15/25) : Recital Show assignments **Please check this chart to make sure you have the correct shoe color/style for recital.

Welcome Packet


Feels like a heat wave this the sun being out yesterday and these nice warmer temps!

We hope your dancer is loving learning their recital dance(s). It truly feels like we are on a tropical vacation lately with all of the fun beach/sunshine themed music playing.

Speaking of the beach and sunshine...our 2025 SUMMER info will be coming out in the next week or so, with registration beginning April 1. We have LOTS of great classes and one day themed camps on the schedule this summer. Summer is a great time to try a new style (or 2 or 3!) and/or brush up on your technique and artistry. We can't wait to dance with you this summer...always so much fun!

~Miss Kate


Deadline to order is SATURDAY MARCH 1.

We have sample sizes at the front desk area (on the slat wall). Feel free to try on a sample to make sure you order the right size! Click the green button to see the google form below for more details!

10 & 15 year dancers...make sure you fill this form out (even if not ordering a recital tee). I have a special tee coming just for you!

ROSE GLEN STUDENTS: We will wear this for the performance at the BBQ on 4/27, so make sure you get yours ordered if you plan to perform!



The dancers and teachers are working HARD learning their recital dances. They started last week and will be learning new choreography until about Spring Break. Then after spring break, the "cleaning" and "tweaking" begins to get the dances and dancers ready to take the big stage on May 30-31.

REMINDER: At this point in the season, make up classes are no longer allowed. Each class is working on their own specific dance with unique formations and choreography and it's just too confusing for all if you were to do a make up.

Please do your best to be at all of your classes (unless you are sick, then stay home and get better!). Trust the process and know that come May, everyone will be ready to rock that stage. We can't wait!!

BIG congrats to our competition team!

They had their first competition of the season last weekend and danced their hearts out. They earned MANY special awards...and even took home the TOP score of the day (congrats "Big Noise" and Miss Olivia) AND the overall TOP Ovation studio of the whole weekend. We're so proud!!

Did you know...

We have 3 teams: Sparkle Squad (ages 5-9), Performing Company (ages 8-18) and Competition Team (ages 11-18). Interested in joining one next season? Stay on the lookout as information will be coming out in the next month or so!


10/15 YEAR DANCERS: Don't forget to upload your headshot (see email that was sent 1/18/25). Please do so by 3/1 at the latest! We can't wait to celebrate you and your dedication to dance and LDC! Thank you to those that have done this already...only have a few, so keep them coming. Any issues uploading? Just send them to Miss Kate via email or upload HERE.

**10 & 15 year dancers that are seniors, if you just want to use the one we have hanging in lobby, that is fine! Then no need to send in another one, but feel free to send a different one if you'd like.

PENNY DRIVE: It's almost March, which means it's almost penny drive time! Bring in your pennies from March 1-20. Then watch our social media on 3/21 to guess the amount of pennies we collected. If you are the closest without going over, you will get the money (turned into cash though!). And the BEST part is...LDC will donate $1 for each penny collected, up to $1000, and that will be donated to the MACC Fund. So it's a great cause and great fun. Bring in those pennies!!!

LOOKING AHEAD: Spring Break is coming...we are closed Sunday 3/23-Sunday 3/30.



PARKING LOT: The city confiscated our sign by the sidewalks the other day, so until we can get an official city approved street sign, a reminder for everyone. Please keep the area by the sidewalk/mailbox CLEAR. This allows parents to circle the court, pull up and let their dancer out directly to the sidewalk and avoid the parking lot during those super busy hours. But if cars are parked right in front of the sidewalk, that sadly doesn't work. Thank you for your cooperation!

RUNNING: The lobby running had definitely been better lately. Please continue to help us out with that. We don't want anyone to get hurt running and colliding with someone!


  • Click HERE for the recital website. More info will be added as the season goes on.

  • Please be sure that your dancer has the correct shoe COLOR & STYLE for their recital dance.

    • You can find that info on the recital chart (link at top of this email). It's important for them to practice in them before the big show.

  • We will be sending out recital info in small bits over the next few months. The recital website will be updated accordingly. But if you ever have any questions...especially our newbies, just let us know! We are always happy to help however we can.

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