Recital Website
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Welcome Packet
We hope everyone survived the frigid cold the past few days. I am currently In Florida for Studio Owner's University and it's in the 30s here and snowing! Not the weather any of us were hoping for, but I guess at least it's a lot warmer than it is back home.
Most of you hopefully know that LDC has been a part of an amazing organization, More Than Just Great Dancing, for the past 8 or so years. It's a group of like minded studios and the founder and my mentor, Misty Lown, is a fellow Wisconsinite and leads us all. You see her "famous to us" quote on our lobby walls...
"We don't teach kids to make great dancers. We teach dance to make great kids."
I want to thank my amazing team for holding down the fort while I am away and I can't wait to bring back all the great ideas and knowledge I pick up while I am here. Never stop learning!
~Miss Kate