Some folks who have talked about getting hit by the Helpful Content Update (HCU) have blogs that are spread pretty thin on topics.
There are many other reasons folks have gotten their blogs dinged by Google, and I won't go into all of them here, but there are definitely some things you can do to grow and protect your brand so you aren't as reliant on Google either way.
One way is to build topical authority. This creates loyalty and awareness for your BRAND. You become KNOWN for your topic.
We talk about topical authority a lot here in PIPs, because it's so important to go DEEP on your topic instead of just WIDE.
Now, you can do both ... but go deep first, before you go wide, or you're going to have a blog full of thin content.
If you can't think of at least 25 blog posts to put into a category, it might not be a category you should add to your blog.
Here's an article I wrote on how to build a topical map, if you're working on your blog structure and make sure you want to go deep on your topic.
I recently purchased a travel blog about India and I'm working on revamping it. It started with some great bones and I'm excited to fill in the categories more.
This will help increase topical authority and more people will trust my blog as a legitimate resource for traveling to India, learning about the culture, and more.
➡️ Would you be interested in watching me build it out? Do you want me to share the URL? Hit REPLY if it's something you'd be interested in.