Dear friends,

Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass, as it is translated, took place on 9 and 10 November 1938, instigated by the Nazi Party and the SA, the party's youth assault troops. That night, a violent anti-Semitic massacre took place throughout Germany and annexed Austria, in which hundreds of synagogues and thousands of Jewish-owned shops throughout the German Reich were attacked, vandalised, looted, set on fire and destroyed and Jewish cemeteries desecrated. At least 91 Jews were brutally murdered in that massacre. The “Night of Broken Glass” owes its name to the countless shards of glass that covered the streets after the violent wave of destruction..

As we reflect on what happened that terrible night, we can't help but think back to 7 October this year, when in a single day, 1,400 people aged 0 to 90 were murdered, mutilated and burned, a further 220 were kidnapped and held

hostage by the Hamas terrorist organisation, which runs the Gaza Strip. We don't intend to compare the two realities but to remind you that "Never again" unfortunately doesn't exist. Despite the initial shock, we are seeing demonstrations, particularly in Europe and the US, which, in the name of the Palestinian people, end up being anti-Zionist and anti-Semitic, denying some the right to exist as a country and others the right to life.

One of the primary missions of the future Tikvá Museu Judaico Lisboa is to promote dialogue between different ethnic groups, faiths and origins. Therefore, as a portuguese organisation telling the story of 2000 years of Portuguese jewish culture, it vehemently condemns the expression of hatred that we are unfortunately witnessing, hoping that Israelis, Palestinians, Muslims and Jews will one day be able to live in peace.

The Board
Associação Hagadá – Tikvá Museu Judaico Lisboa

José Oulman Bensaúde Carp

The Associação Hagadá deeply regrets the death of José Oulman Bensaúde Carp on 5 November 2023. A member of the Lisbon Israeli Community, of which he was president for many years, his intelligence, friendliness and commitment fostered greater recognition of Judaism in Portuguese society, guided by the values of tolerance and dialogue. Carp was also an enthusiastic supporter of the project to create a Jewish museum in Lisbon, not only as president of the CIL, namely in the previous project in Alfama but also as a founding member of the Associação Hagadá, having deposited family collections that will be accessible to the public in the future museum. Like the story we intend to tell at the Tikvá Museu Judaico Lisboa, Carp left us a testimony, in his life, of the complete union of a Jewish and Portuguese figure. The Associação Hagadá pays tribute to this man and friend, and we will do everything we can to ensure that his memory and legacy live on.

Inauguration of the mural by artist Vhils in the Port of Lisbon

On 31 October, Esther Mucznik, president of the Hagadá Association - Tikvá Museu Judaico Lisboa, attended the inauguration of the mural by the artist Vhils in homage to the photographer Roger Kahan. This artwork, curated by Mensagem de Lisboa, resulted from a story by journalist Ferreira Fernandes on the life of the photographer and Second World War refugee in Lisbon.

Like a photo negative, the mural depicts a photograph taken in 1940 of a lone woman waiting to depart at the Port of Lisbon and the postmark, which still stands next to the same building. This artwork can be visited at the Cais da Rocha do Conde de Óbidos.

Opening of the exhibition "The Portuguese Jewish Diaspora" at the Damião de Góis Museum of Victims of the Inquisition in Alenquer

On 15 October, the Damião de Góis Inquisition Victims Museum in Alenquer inaugurated the travelling exhibition "The Portuguese Jewish Diaspora", a joint initiative of Éditions Chandeigne (Paris) and the Associação Hagadá, responsible for the installation and management of the Tikvá Museu Judaico Lisboa, by researcher Livia Parnes. The event was attended by the Councillor for Culture of Alenquer Town Council, Cláudia Luís, and the communications coordinator of the Tikvá Museu Judaico Lisboa, Maria João Nunes.

The exhibition was open to the public until 12 November 2023.

International Conference ”Bridging the gap between museeums and communities: the role of communication and education”

On 2 and 3 October 2023, the Executive Director of the Associação Hagadá, Manuel Pizarro, took part in the International Conference "Bridging the gap between Museums and Communities: the role of communication and education", held at the Museu Nacional dos Coches in Lisbon.

This conference, organised by ICOM Europe, aimed to bring together experiences and research projects on how communities can be co-producers of knowledge, bringing together ICOM members not only from Europe, but also from all over the world, in order to develop skills, learn and share experiences on how museums can engage with different communities through communication and education.

Grácia Nasi
The 16th-century Portuguese Jew who defied her destiny

Credits: Agnolo Bronzino

Born in Lisbon in 1510 to a family of New Christians from Castile and baptised at birth with the name Beatriz de Luna, she lived from an early age in the ambivalent world of a hidden true faith and a declared false one. Very early on, she internalised the danger of openly affirming herself as a Jew and only indeed did so in Istanbul, when she was already middle-aged, at the end of a wandering journey across the European map to the Ottoman Empire, where she finally publicly adopted Judaism for the first time.

Gracia Nassi embodies in herself the fate of the "Judaising" New Christians, eternally torn between two worlds, two cultures, two religious belongings, and two identities. Widowed at the age of 25 and at the head of an empire based on the spice trade, envied by kings, princes and popes who did not refrain from exerting the most violent pressures on her to seize her wealth, she assumed her role as a "businesswoman" symbolising to the highest degree the pioneering, enterprising and preponderant spirit assumed at the time by the Sephardic Jews/New Christians.

Her religious fervour and burning desire

to openly and freely profess the Jewish faith are the guiding principles of her entire life: they lead her to leave Portugal and guide the long journey that will take her to the Ottoman Empire.

All her life, Grácia Nasi fought for what she believed in, never changing her convictions or her faith and always protecting her persecuted co-religionists. Accustomed to being on equal terms with the power of the Christian and Muslim world and facing constant attacks on her family and her economic power, resignation was not in her nature, nor in her history. She had the merit of daring to proclaim that nothing condemned Jews to accept persecution and suffering passively.

Grácia Nasi was neither a great community leader nor a great intellectual. But she was undoubtedly a significant figure in 16th-century Judaism. By her example, she demonstrated the failure of forced assimilation. Which, after all, all of human history proves.

From Esther Mucznik's book Grácia Nasi, A Portuguese Jewess of the 16th Century Who Defied Her Destiny, Esfera dos Livros, 2010.

Interview with José Oulman Carp

In this video, José Oulman Carp shares the history of the Bensaúde family from which he descends and shows us his private collection, which will be exhibited at the Tikvá Museu Judaico Lisboa.

Talk with Esther Mucznik about Grácia Nasi

As part of a lecture held at the Belmonte Jewish Museum, Tikvá Museu Judaico Lisboa remembers Grácia Nasi, a Portuguese Jew from the 16th century, during a conversation with Esther Mucznik.


International Day of anti-Fascism and anti-Semitism
9 Nov. 2023

Mike Licht

Every year, in Europe and beyond, 9 November is dedicated to commemorating the victims of the 1938 “Kristallnacht” pogrom and victims of the Holocaust and of fascism throughout history, and to raising awareness about racism, anti-Semitism, right-wing extremism and neo-fascism today.

The current rise in violence has led many countries, particularly in Europe, to increase their level of surveillance and security. Although there are no such acts in Portugal, the Internal Security System (SSI) has decided to increase the level of security for preventative and precautionary reasons.


Unlocking Diaspora Archives: western sephardic diaspora roadmap workshop
28 Nov. 2023

Forum for debate on the Jewish archival heritage of Portugal and the Jewish-Portuguese diaspora, and strategies for its preservation, dissemination and accessibility, with the participation of Portuguese researchers, archivists and librarians. This colloquium will also present the results of the WSD Roadmap project.

Admission is free and prior registration is not required. The sessions will be in hybrid format and will take place in Portuguese and English.

More information available here.


"Youth-Action-Culture" European conference
Caldas da Rainha
13-14 Nov. 2023

Marek Śliwecki

On 13 and 14 November 2023, the "Youth-Action-Culture" European conference will be held at the Caldas da Rainha Cultural Centre. The National Plan for the Arts, the European Network of Observatories in the Field of Arts and Cultural Education, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, the Caldas da Rainha School of Arts and Design, in articulation with the UNESCO Chair in Arts and Culture Management, Cities and Creativity of the Polytechnic of Leiria and other bodies, national and international organisations, join forces to discuss strategic convergences between the youth, education and culture sectors, to design policies that promote the cultural rights of young people in a democratic society and, specifically, the role of cultural and artistic education for the development of cultural citizenship.

More information is available here.


"Holocaust: Memory, Education and Citizenship"
16-18 Nov. 2023

The General Directorate of Education, in co-organisation with the Mémorial de la Shoah, is hosting the International Seminar on Holocaust Remembrance and Teaching, in the context of which a 15-hour training course for teachers from all recruitment groups, entitled "Holocaust: Remembrance, Education and Citizenship", with the training registration CCPFC/ACC 110606/21, will be held on 16, 17 and 18 November 2023, in the city of Santarém.

The course has partnerships with the Portuguese Association of History Teachers, the "Aberto Benveniste" Chair of Sephardic Studies at the University of Lisbon, the School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém, Memoshoá and the Association for the Promotion of Philosophy (Prosofos) and has the following objectives to train and raise awareness of Holocaust education from a perspective that cuts across Citizenship and Human Rights; to provide didactic/pedagogical working tools, providing means of reflection that allow the teaching of the past to problematise the present.

More information available here:


Grácia Nasi (2022)
Esther Mucznik. Esfera dos Livros.

Jewish history is full of extraordinary women. From the matriarch Sarah to the Zionist Golda Meir, many Jewish women have made history. Gracia Nasi was one of them. With an untouchable character and an iron personality moulded by the hardships of life, this woman was not afraid to challenge men, popes, kings and her own destiny. She was born in Portugal in 1510 after her family was persecuted and expelled from Spain. However, it wasn't in Lisbon that she found the tranquillity she desired. Widowed at the age of 25, heiress to a commercial empire and incalculable wealth coveted by all, Grácia Nasi became a true businesswoman, assuming her pioneering and entrepreneurial spirit, a defining trait of the Sephardic Jews/New Christians. Grácia Nasi travelled the map of Europe, passing through cities such as Antwerp and Venice, until she reached the Ottoman Empire, where she could finally practice her faith in the open, without fear of persecution. It was there that she dedicated herself to helping her co-religionists escape the Inquisition, supported religious study and teaching, as well as publishing Bibles and reaching out to those in need.


United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

A living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, prevent genocide, and promote human dignity.

In addition to the various educational resources presented online, the museum also has a Holocaust Encyclopaedia, through which you can access different types of content about this episode in world history.

More information available here.


Golda (2023
by by Guy Nattiv


A thriller filmed to the rhythm of a ticking clock that conveys the intensity of the dramatic moments of controversial decisions and high-risk responsibilities that Meir - also known as Israel's "Iron Lady" and, in this film, magnificently played by Helen Mirren - faced during the Yom Kippur War in 1973. Her actions, in impossible circumstances, would ultimately decide the fate of millions of lives.

Travelling exhibition "The Portuguese Jewish Diaspora"

The Hagadá Association has joined the Paris-based publisher Chandeigne in the Portuguese version of the exhibition "The Portuguese Jewish Diaspora".

If you are interested in receiving this travelling exhibition, please contact us by e-mail: tikva@mjlisboa.com.

Learn more

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Write to us: tikva@mjlisboa.com

Editorial coordination: Esther Mucznik 
Contents and editing: Ângela Ferraz, Esther Mucznik, Jean-Jacques Salomon, Manuel Morais Sarmento Pizarro and Maria João Nunes
Graphics: Joana Cavadas


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