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AVERT / Active Shooter Training is a necessity for School and Business Staff. Classes on-site or at our Rockville Office

Students return to Apalachee High after deadly shooting, held on September 4, 2024

Three weeks after a deadly shooting, students and staff at Apalachee High School are being eased back into their daily routines. On Monday, 9/23, the school will welcome those who are comfortable with returning to school to an open house. Classes resume on Tuesday. When students return, school officials said there will be an increased law enforcement presence, additional counselors, therapy dogs and other resources. Police say 14-year-old Colt Gray opened fire inside the school on Sept. 4. The shooting claimed the lives of football coach Richard Aspinwall, math teacher Cristina Irimie, and students Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo. The building’s J Hall, the area where the shooting happened, will be closed for the rest of the year, and social studies classes will be held in a nearby Barrow County Schools building. Buses will take students back and forth.

Let's be prepared should an emergency like this arise in your school or business property. Life Rescue Training is here to assist you and all staff with learning -

AVERT - Active Violence Emergency Rescue Training

  • How can you prepare: Fight, flight, freeze, Escape & evade, Defend & attack

  • Skills: Situational awareness, Finding cover & concealment, and Defending a room

  • Stop the Bleed: Life-threatening Bleeding

Register for Sat., 10/26 AVERT Class
Inquire about an On-site Group AVERT Class
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Respond with Confidence! Grab and Go organized Bleeding Control Kit options intended to focus on a life-saving emergency.

Bleeding Control kits — also referred to as trauma kits or Stop the Bleed® kits. These are specialized trauma kits designed to provide professional first responders or bystanders with the products they need to stop life-threatening bleeding. 

Bleeding control kits can help control excessive bleeding caused by gunshot wounds, stabbing, or crushing. These specialized kits are specifically designed to stop heavy bleeding and hemorrhaging and cannot treat burns, frostbite, or minor cuts and abrasions.

Bleed Kit options


FAO Video below: Bleeding Control Tools Explained

SHOP: Live-saving Rescue Product Options

August 2022

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Office (301) 327-2525 or Direct (301) 240-556-2283


Life Rescue Training
12105 Nebel Street, Rockville, MD 20850

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