Simply because no great change ever happens without a harrowing period of seeming confusion and chaos... and change is necessary medicine for our country. The injustice, propaganda, restrictions on speech and other freedoms, economic and emotional pain, loud roars of Earth objecting to her prolonged assault and divisive characters on a brightly lit stage - all serve to awaken us from our Netflix/TikTok/sports/substance/nonsense-distracted stupor - so we at last pay attention to the sickness and corruption of our nation. So we can make change.
Nobody wakes up when all is fine and dandy. Not a person, not a nation, not a world. We needed a shake up to wake up - and the coming months are the culmination!
But chin up, America. Recall the lowly caterpillar, who must hang upside down in the darkness as a pupa, its entire form breaking down into goop before emerging reconstructed as a butterfly - a higher, more lovely and freer form of its former self. Likewise, much of what we’ve known must dissolve into goop to enable the establishment of structures and paradigms that actually reflect America’s founding values of freedom, equality and a government by and for the people.
Chin up, as emerging everywhere are seedling examples of right relationship on all three levels: interpersonal, intrapersonal and planetary. New ways of governing, living, healing and caring. New ways that will elevate humanity
to its next stage.
So do your best to stay calm and above the erupting chaos, perched in divine neutrality. Reach out in support of one another and pray the growing pains are minimal. And remember always that the facade of government we've had for decades is a front for the real power centers - big companies and billionaires that like things just as they've been - good for them, but bad for us and the planet.
Today's Tumult is a catalyst with a deeper purpose - so that We the People can awaken to the truth, fix the structural problems that keep the majority sick and struggling, and fulfil the destiny and promise of this nation.