But although very important, Positive Thinking doesn’t reach our greatest human need: to be appreciated.
Annoying as it may seem to the independent-minded, our deepest human needs are only met
in the loving presence of another.
We're born into relationship and are wounded in relationship, so it makes sense that we're healed in relationship. It follows that loving relationships are the key to our wellbeing.
What makes us happy is the same
thing that heals us: Love.
But what does being loved really mean?
It means feeling deeply appreciated - being heard, seen, understood and accepted. It means being supported in our darkness as well as celebrated in our light. It means having a mutual commitment to safety and wellbeing of body, mind and spirit, which requires each to occasionally do things that aren't easy to do. It means being OK with messing up sometimes. And it means coming up with creative solutions to problems as well as experiencing joy, together.
Positive Thinking simply cannot call a love relationship like this into existence. Nevertheless, it's easier to manifest than you might think. To begin, you need:
-a safe, supportive place to learn easy but powerful relational skills,
-a willingness to understand what’s going on in your brain in the context of relationships,
- just a dash of courage to get you going, and
- a bit of practice.