I didn’t grow up in a military family, but I have several family members who are veterans. I was aware of their time spent in service to our country, but it wasn’t something that was talked about much.
When I was in high school, I had a history teacher named Mr. Cannon. He was a veteran of the Korean war, and he was an expert on WWII and Cold War history. Through him I grew to have a true appreciation for the sacrifices that US military members made, allowing me to have the freedoms tha I enjoy today.
I'm very grateful to Mr. Cannon for instilling this appreciation in me. I try to go out of my way to thank veterans for their service to our country and for the sacrifices that they made. Consider sharing your appreciation for our veterans with a young person this Veteran’s Day and explain to them why it’s important that we never take our freedoms for granted. God Bless America.
Together we can make a difference!
Cari Newton, Founder & CEO