Weekly Newsletter: Lessons Learned from Little Humans!

Weekly Newsletter: Lesson Learned From Little Humans! 

Dear {{contact.first_name}}

Happy Monday! 

Circle time can sometimes be stressful, and teachers can end up dreading it because of children not listening, distracting others, etc.

In my coaching membership program, we make sure to share effective strategies to avoid the circle time traps and help you to do things that make it engaging for all children.

Here is an example of one circle time trap: 

🪤Trap- When you ask a question to the whole group and then wait for each child to respond. This takes a lot of time, and they lose their interest quickly! 

🌻Try this effective strategy- Ask them what they did on the weekend, then have them turn to their partner (pair/share) and discuss with them what they did.  This method works well because everyone has a chance to share, without having to wait and it keeps their engagement longer. After the children have discussed with their partners, you can choose one pair to present to the class, by drawing a name from the name jar. 

Watch the full video to learn more about these effective strategies and traps when it comes to circle time. 

My coaching membership program is designed for your teachers. It’s like having access to a consultant without paying their salary! And probably not more than a child’s tuition for a month! 

Click here to learn more about the behavior coaching membership program. 

P.S. If you would like to find more resources like the puppet and books mentioned in the video click on this link for the Amazon resources!

If you would like your staff to receive the weekly tips/ tricks have them sign up for the newsletters:  https://togetherwegrow.online/#newsletter  

Until next time! 

Find out more about the membership program
Dos and Don'ts of Circle Time: Watch and Subscribe

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