Weekly Newsletter: Lessons Learned from Little Humans!

Weekly Newsletter: Lesson Learned From Little Humans! 

Dear {{contact.first_name}}

Happy Monday! 

During last week’s coaching call, the biggest challenge the teachers were facing was children not listening and whining. They shared they are drained and fed up with constantly repeating themselves because the children are ignoring them, and they were so exhausted.  

Does this sound familiar? Are you being triggered by children ignoring you or using a whining voice to get what they want? You are left feeling drained and exhausted from defiance and disobedience. The good news is that you are not alone, and you can change things around!  

In my coaching membership program, we will make sure your teachers are transformed from reactive to responsive. The way that I do that is by teaching how to understand the connection between the brain states and the behaviors displayed. In this case both non-listening and whining could be associated with the emotional brain. 

It would be helpful to remember that “attention seeking behavior is a relationship seeking need!” This is a very powerful reminder: connection before correction or compliance. Children who are giving you the hardest time are not feeling connected to you! Tip: Show an interest in what they are interested in because that helps to develop a trusting relationship!

Let’s look at the example of children who do not listen: There could be a couple of reasons this is happening, 1) they are too engrossed in play and genuinely didn’t hear the teacher give them directions (it does feel like sometimes children have gone to a different planet and completely tunes out the grownups🤦‍♀️) or 2) they heard and intentionally ignored. Either way the teacher is repeating, and it is giving the children attention.

Children also very quickly learn that whining gets their needs met and so the behavior continues. 

If we want to change a habit, we need to replace it with an appropriate one. Watch the full video for all the specific strategies to help children start listening immediately.

Let's elevate your teaching craft and empower you to go from stressful to joyful in your classroom!

My coaching membership program is designed for your teachers. It’s like having access to a consultant without paying their salary! And probably not more than a child’s tuition for a month! 

Click here to learn more about the behavior coaching membership program. 

P.S. If you would like to learn more about helping children to listen check out this book: How to talk so little kids will listen

 If you would like your staff to receive the weekly tips/ tricks have them sign up for the newsletters here! https://togetherwegrow.online/#newsletter 

Watch the full video: Fed up with kids not listening and whining. 

Find out more about the membership program
Fed up with kids not listening and whining? Watch and Subscribe

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