Weekly email series: Lesson learned from little humans.

Weekly series: Lesson learned from little humans! 

Dear {{contact.first_name}}

Happy Monday! 

All behavior has meaning, and all behavior is a form of communication! We keep hearing this but what does it mean and how can educators support children if they don’t know how to decode behavior? 

I was observing in a classroom last week and noticed that Hailey, a 5-year-old, was extremely sensitive. The slightest redirection sets her off. If anyone corrected her or if someone looked at her in a way she didn’t’ like she would run off, completely “shut down” and not talk to the teachers or listen to them or follow their directions. This clearly was super exhausting for her and the teachers because every episode could last from 30 minutes to 90 minutes because you just didn’t know what would trigger her! 

Does this sound familiar to you? Have you seen this happening in your classroom or program? 

Are you witnessing escalating meltdowns, push back and power struggles?  Let's transform that together!

In my coaching sessions, we master the art of understanding that every behavior is a form of communication and has a deep meaning. We also learn effective strategies to prevent outbursts and engage children's brains for learning. 

For example, the behavior Hailey was presenting looked like defiance and stubbornness (this was the secondary emotion) but underneath what she was experiencing was Shame, embarrassment, self-consciousness, fear and possibly anxiety (these were the primary underlying emotions) We know this because when the teacher asked her, “what happened, why did you run away?” Hailey, said, “because I didn’t like that you told me in front of other children.”  

Quite often I see teachers just label things that they see on the surface. Next time you see a behavior instead of correcting it or saying why are you doing this, try to ask yourself “what is this child feeling?” We must change our mindset about the displayed behavior. 

Emotions, like these, inhibit children from engaging in lessons and thriving. But, by decoding these behaviors, we can respond appropriately and transform classrooms into joyful, relaxed learning environments!

My coaching membership program is designed for teachers and your entire team. 

Learn about effective strategies to reduce challenging behaviors and engage the brain for learning with lots of practical, effective, and impactful strategies. 
Once the teachers learn coping strategies it reduces staff burnout, leading to less staff turnover. Leave the sessions rejuvenated, inspired, and motivated to change the way you are teaching little humans. Contact me today to learn more about my behavior coaching membership program. 


If you are looking for books where you can learn more about the brain and behaviors check out “The whole- Brain Child” By Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson. Here’s the link for it! https://amzn.to/3WZzMjp 


P.S. Ready to become a confident responder to children’s emotions? Let's elevate your teaching craft and empower you to become the best teacher you can be.


P.S.S My coaching membership program is designed for your teachers. It’s like having access to a consultant without paying their salary! And probably not more than a child’s tuition for a month! 


Watch the full video: How to decode meltdowns, push back, and power struggles"

Until Next Time! 

Find out more about the membership program
How to decode meltdowns, pushbacks and Powe struggles: Watch & Subscribe Here!

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