Weekly email series: Lesson learned from little humans.

Weekly series: Lesson learned from little humans! 

Dear {{contact.first_name}}

Happy Monday! 

During last week’s coaching session three different schools asked about “Drop off” times. They all had children who were starting the day stressed, crying, angry, being defiant, and not wanting to join the rest of the class. In some cases, they mentioned the parents were lingering too long, or some days were better than others based on who was dropping off the child, whether it was mom, dad, or grandparents. Regardless it was a stressful way to start the day and it took so long to calm the child and continue with the learning day. 

Are you facing a similar struggle? I was surprised by this, thinking we are in the spring semester now almost ending the school year for some, this shouldn’t be happening now! Right? 

If you want to eliminate the morning stress you need to recognize that stress is felt and absorbed by all. One of the things I teach in my training and coaching is to recognize when something is not working, we must Do Something Different (DSD) in other words we must change our mindset and approach. We must also understand that all behavior is a form of communication, and that all behavior has meaning when you understand that then you can respond appropriately. 

I also teach about child development and current brain research, and I show teachers like you how to better understand what specific words you can use in the moment to help children feel safe, loved, and accepted. 

For example, one powerful sentence when a child is running out of the classroom behind Mom as she is leaving is to say “You are safe, I am here to help you” instead of grabbing the child and saying, “you are fine” when clearly, they are not.  

Shifting from stressful to joyful and smoother transitions at the drop off time, this is exactly the type of thing I teach in my Behavior Coaching Program.  This is month to month program, once a week 1-hour online group sessions, I recommend a minimum of 3 months. It takes that long to break habits and patterns for the children and the educators. I have had a 100% success rate so far with all the schools I have supported.

In these sessions you will learn how to reduce the stress in the classroom, and you will also learn how to equip parents to help their children join the class joyfully and ready to learn. 

You will learn ways to support your staff, leading to a better work environment for everyone resulting in less staff turnover.

My coaching provides ongoing accountability, through weekly homework implementing strategies shared and then coming back the next week and sharing what worked and what we still need to tweak. 

Teachers feel supported and because it is individually designed, I am meeting them where they are in the professional journey. Helping them to become the best teachers you can be. 

Have you had a rough start with a particular child that is leaving you exhausted? Please respond to this email. I would love to help you out! 

Ready for “Making drop offs stress free: Set up the littles for a successful day!” I share some practical strategies on how to do it, watch the full video here.  

P.S. I am about to launch a membership program for preschools and childcare centers, with ongoing behavior coaching and new monthly webinars. As an administrator you are very busy and have lots going on to support the teachers like you want to, I can help partner with you and help your staff! It will rejuvenate and inspire you to change the way you are teaching little humans. Let me know if you want to learn more about the membership! 

Book a free call today to learn more about the Behavior coaching program.

Until Next Time! 

Book a call today!
Making drop of stress free! Video - Subscribe

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