Hello and welcome to the very first quarterly newsletter from Navigators Adaptive Sports Club! We are thrilled to share the latest updates and stories from our community with you. In this newsletter, you will find a variety of exciting updates each quarter, including highlights from recent events, news from our partner organizations, interviews with our members and volunteers, and important notifications on upcoming activities. We hope that this newsletter will help you feel more connected to our community and inspire you to join us in our mission to make sports and recreation accessible to all. Thank you for your interest in Navigators Adaptive Sports Club, and we hope you enjoy reading our first newsletter!


Welcome to the Navigators Adaptive Sports Club!

NASC is a life changing, volunteer-driven nonprofit that creates athletic programs for children and adults with a wide variety of disabilities. 

We meet each week, year around, to train across multiple sports. We provide community, recreation and support for all of our members. For our elite athletes, we provide enhanced goal oriented training plans, assistance with the qualification process and coaching at the local, regional and national level. 

The Navigators Adaptive Sports Club serves disabled children and adults from NJ, NY, PA, CT…

We offer flexible practice schedules, no startup or equipment costs, expert coaching with proven results for goal oriented disabled athletes and a whole new community waiting to support our families and cheer our athletes on.


Navigators Adaptive Sports Club will inspire, motivate & help transform the lives of people living with disabilities by expanding social development, promoting a healthy lifestyle and building athlete confidence and ability through the challenge of adaptive sports training.



Our athletes are working hard to prepare for the 2023 season. We are currently training to compete in swimming, track, field, archery, powelifting and paratriathlon. Practice sessions have been robust with great attendance and motivated athletes that are ready to smash their goals in 2023. Additionally, we are super excited as an organization to welcome several new athletes to the Navi Family! 

Tri State Regional Swim

February 25
Tri State Regional Swim Meet

Rutgers , NJ

Learn More

Move United
Sanctioned Events

View Here
Coming up next

3rd Annual Baltimore Para Classic, Swim Meet

MAY 26 - 28
Navigators Adaptive Sports: Tri State Wheelchair & Ambulatory Games 

Community Events

The Navi coaches and athletes regularly seek opportunities to participate in community events such as the Kessler Stroll ‘N Roll, The Abilities Expo and any events with our friends at The Challenged Athletes Foundation. We look forward to a busy year of participation with our community partners in 2023.

CAF Northeast Event Calendar

View Here
Navigators Swim Team Practice

Save the Date

Kessler Stroll ‘N Roll
Sunday, September 24, 2023,
11 AM - 2 PM

Verona Park, NJ


Four Navigators Named to U.S. Paralympic Track & Field National Team

We are very proud to recognize FOUR Navigators Adaptive Sports Club Athletes that have been named to the 2023 U.S. Paralympic Track & Field National Team!

You can learn more about each athlete and their accomplishments by clicking on the profiles below. The Navi family congratulates Aubrey, Raymond, Gianfranco and Catarina on their outstanding achievements and we cheer for their continued success!

Frankie Anzaldi

Frankie Anzaldi: USA Track & Field-LI Para Athlete of the Year

Our own Frankie Anzaldi was named USA Track & Field-LI Para Athlete of the Year on February 12, 2023. The Navigators are very proud of all of Frankie’s outstanding accomplishments and would like to congratulate him for this well deserved award. 

Frankie Anzaldi

‘I can do more’: NJ kids with physical disabilities struggle to play, compete 

by: Jane Havsy, Morristown Daily Record

Navi's athletes from the Emory family were featured in this recent Daily Record article highlighting the importance of adaptive sports for physical fitness as well as the sense of belonging to a community that individuals benefit from on a team like ours. View the entire article at the button below!

Read Here

How to Get Involved

Your support makes a difference! 

Your support makes it possible for us to provide access to life-changing opportunities for our youth, adults and veterans to be physically active, thus improving their health and quality of life.

Your donation will directly support:

To Donate or to learn more about Sponsorship Opportunities, send us an email at: naviadaptivesports@gmail.com


Matthew Kelly | matgkelly@gmail.com

Vice President
Frank Anzaldi | frankanzaldijr@yahoo.com

Executive Director
John Guimaraes | johnpguimaraes@gmail.com

Dan Duggan | dduggan@gmail.com

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