Issue 11, 2024

The Dundun

Chronicling Health Advocacy Beat in Africa.

November Newsletter
Issue 11, 2024

Wrapping Up 2024: A Season of Gratitude

2024 has been a year of progress and partnership across WACI Health’s programs and networks. We look forward to sharing more stories of our efforts at the global, regional, and national levels in the coming months. From shepherding new civil society platforms to engaging in technical forums, supporting champions and facilitating policy changes, we have been working tirelessly towards our vision of health for all in Africa.

As we share our final newsletter this year, we would like to take a moment to share our gratitude for the partnerships that make our work impactful. On behalf of all of us at WACI Health, wishing you a joyous holiday season and a wonderful new year.

Take Action for Universal Health Coverage

Health is a human right and yet, two billion people around the world experience financial hardship due to health care costs. On December 12, join us and members of the Civil Society Engagement Mechanism for UHC2030 (CSEM) in calling on governments to invest in universal health coverage (UHC). This year's UHC Day theme is "Health: it's on the government!," noting the responsibility of our leaders in ensuring all people have access to health services without facing financial hardship. Countries must translate their UHC commitments into policies and programmes that will reduce financial barriers to health care, particularly for the poorest and most vulnerable. Join the #UHCDay conversation!

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World AIDS Day 2024: Take the Rights Path

On December 1, we observed World AIDS Day. This year's theme of “Take the Rights Path: My Health, My Right!” challenges us to consider how we are advancing health and human rights. Our potential to leverage scientific advances and sustain the gains of the global HIV response hinges on our commitment to ensuring everyone has access to care. Civil society and communities must stand together against punitive laws and push for rights-based approaches. We urge African leaders to uphold the dignity and fundamental human rights of all individuals.

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UHC and Financial Protection: Are We Measuring What Matters?

Co-authored by CSEM for UHC2030, Oxfam, WACI Health, and the International Planned Parenthood Federation, this blog asks a pressing question: Are the World Bank's metrics for assessing UHC focusing on the right indicators? We argue that funding mechanisms must be held accountable for equitable, accessible, and affordable health care services. The 'IDA21' policy package must include the robust measurement of financial protection indicators, such as out-of-pocket health care costs that push millions into poverty each year.

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Meet 'David'

'Meet the Team Edition' is a new series where you get to know our WACI Health Team much better. This month we will be focusing on David Kabera, the Policy and Advocacy Officer at WACI Health. His role focuses on strengthening the capacity of civil society and communities to advocate on key health and development issues.

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Shaping Policy with Purpose: The Role of Civil Society and Budget Advocacy

The Coalition for Health Research and Development (CHReaD) held a training in Kenya to build capacity around public financial management, with a special focus on budget advocacy for health research and development. The two-day training led by the Bajeti Hub allowed participants to deepen their understanding of the Kenyan budget process and strengthen their skills to advocate for health R&D budgets.

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Are we connected? Find us on social media for recent highlights from Under the Tree, the African Civil Society Platform on Health (CiSPHA), the AfNHi Youth Cohort mentorship program, and more! You can also catch replays of our live streamed Vuka Afrika shows for engaging discussions on World Antimicrobial Awareness Week, World AIDS Day, and International Human Rights Day.

Nairobi, Kenya

Cape Town, South Africa

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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