Privacy Policy

“ Kreolina App ”

Privacy Policy for Kreolina App - Your Privacy and Safety Matters

Powered by: Creole Travel Services Effective date: August 2, 2023

This Privacy Policy outlines how Creole Travel Services ("we", "us", or "our") respects and protects your privacy and personal information while using the Kreolina mobile application ("Kreolina App"). We are committed to ensuring the confidentiality, security, and integrity of your data. By using the Kreolina App, you consent to the practices described in this Privacy Policy.

  1. Information Collection:

    1. User Account Information: To provide you with personalized services, you may be required to create a personal account within the Kreolina App. This includes your email address and password, which are used for secure authentication and access.

    2. Booking Information: You may also input booking information such as booking codes and last names. Creole Travel Services is the provider of this information, ensuring that your bookings are accurately reflected within the app.

  2. Use of Information:

    1. User Authentication: Your email address and password are used to authenticate your account and grant you access to the personalized features of the Kreolina App.

    2. Booking Integration: The booking information you provide is integrated into the app, allowing you to manage multiple bookings under your account. This information is securely stored and used solely for the purpose of enhancing your travel experience.

    3. Service Ratings: The Kreolina App allows you to rate the services you experience. These ratings are collected to improve our services and enhance your future experiences. We may also use these ratings to customize recommendations.

  3. Data Sharing:

    1. Service Ratings: The only input collected from the app and shared with Creole Travel Services is the service ratings you provide. These ratings are used to evaluate and enhance our services. No personal identification is associated with these ratings when shared.

  4. Data Security:

    1. Secure Access: Your email address and password are encrypted and securely stored. Only authorized personnel at Creole Travel Services have access to this data.

    2. Booking Information: Your booking information is stored in a secure manner, with access limited to authorized personnel who require it for customer service and travel management purposes.

  5. Data Retention:

    1. User Account Information: Your email address and password are retained as long as your account is active. You can request account deletion at any time, which will result in the deletion of your account information.

    2. Booking Information: Booking information is retained for the duration necessary to provide travel services and support. Archived bookings may be retained for future reference, including potential loyalty programs based on booking history.

  6. Consent:

    By using the Kreolina App, you provide explicit consent for the collection and use of your information as outlined in this Privacy Policy. You also consent to the secure transmission of data to Creole Travel Services for the sole purpose of enhancing your travel experience.

  7. Updates to Privacy Policy:

    This Privacy Policy may be updated to reflect changes in technology, law, or our practices. We encourage you to review this policy periodically to stay informed about how we protect your information.

  8. Contact Us:

If you have any questions, concerns, or requests related to your privacy and data security, please contact us at

Your privacy, safety, and security are our top priorities. Trust Creole Travel Services to safeguard your data and enhance your journey with the Kreolina App.
