Privacy Policy 

This policy outlines the collection, utilization, and disclosure of individuals' Personal Data and their choices regarding such data. Please carefully read this document, focusing on the most critical aspects of our privacy procedures. 

1. Overview 

In this policy, badrgo explains how it collects and uses personal data. It is expressly intended for those who utilize transportation and related services through their account, known as 'Riders.' In contrast, those who provide transportation to Riders through partner transportation companies are called 'Drivers.' Additionally, 'Order Recipients' are individuals requesting or receiving delivery or pick-up of food, products, and other partners. 

Our privacy practices comply with applicable laws where we operate. This means we protect your Personal Data under Qatari laws and maintain Confidentiality procedures with our employees, suppliers, and other partners. 

2. Methods of Data Collection by bardgo: User-Generated, Service Usage, and External Providers 

User-Generated Data: bardgo collects the following types of user-generated data: (a) User-Generated Profile Details: Information users provide to create or update their profiles. (b) Driver Check Information: Data obtained through background checks for drivers. (c) Identity Verification through Photos: Photos are used for verifying the identity of users. (d) Users' Demographic Details: Information about users' demographic characteristics. (e) User-Generated Content (UGC): Content created and shared by users on the platform or online service. (f) Details Related to Travel Arrangements and Plans: Data associated with users' travel itineraries. 

Service Usage Data: During the use of its services, bardgo collects the following data: (a) Geographic Information about Drivers: Location-related data of drivers. (b) Geographic Information regarding Riders: Data relating to the geographical location of riders. (c) Financial Exchange Information: Data related to financial transactions within the platform. (d) Application Data: Information gathered from user interactions with the bardgo application. (e) Information Exchanged during User Interactions: Data obtained through communication and interactions between users on the platform. 

External Provider Data: bardgo collects data from external providers in the following ways: (a) Marketing Services: Data acquired from marketing service providers. (b) Financial Providers: Information obtained from financial service providers. (c) Insurance Institutions: Data collected from insurance institutions. (d) Transit Companies: Information received from transit service providers and (e) Social Media: Data gathered from social media platforms. 

3. How badrgo Utilizes Personal Data for Transportation, Services, and Safety 

badrgo uses personal information for efficient transportation, customer service, travel information, research, fraud prevention, automatic entry and alerts, marketing and advertising, legal proceedings, and location-based services. 

badrgo utilizes data to deliver, customize, uphold, and enhance its comprehensive range of services. This includes creating and updating user accounts, facilitating transportation and delivery operations, implementing dynamic pricing mechanisms, processing payments, personalizing user profiles, and providing timely trips. Furthermore, data is instrumental in ensuring the safety and security of users, offering customer support, and enabling seamless communication between individuals engaging with the platform. 

4. Data Sharing and Collaboration: A Path to Success and Impact 

badrgo can share data with a diverse range of users, encompassing riders, carpool trip participants, and drivers; furthermore, at the user's discretion, data sharing can extend to include other individuals, badrgo's trusted business partners, and emergency services when necessary. 

Badrgo believes in the power of collaboration and sharing. To provide the best possible services, we work closely with our affiliates, service providers, and business partners, such as payment processors and facilitators, suppliers background and identity verification, cloud storage providers, social media companies, marketing partners and platform providers, and advertising agencies, Networks, consultants, lawyers, accountants, insurance and finance partners, airports. We may also share data for legal reasons, such as in the event of a dispute, as required by applicable law, regulation, license or operating agreement, legal process, or government requirements. Our commitment to transparency and compliance means we only share data in 

accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Together, we can achieve great things and make a positive impact. 

5. Responsible Retention Process: Preserving Your Personal Data 

At badrgo, we prioritize the security and privacy of your Personal Data. Our retention process ensures that we only hold onto your information for as long as necessary to fulfill its intended purpose, meet our legal and business obligations, and comply with applicable laws. 

We understand the importance of protecting your privacy and strive to maintain the highest data protection standards. Our responsible retention process ensures that your Personal Data is handled carefully and in accordance with regulatory requirements. 

Rest assured that we do not retain your data for longer than required. As soon as your information has served its intended purpose or is no longer necessary, we take the steps needed to safely and securely delete it. 

By implementing these measures, we aim to provide you with peace of mind, knowing that your Personal Data is treated with utmost care and respect throughout its lifecycle. 

Please get in touch with our dedicated support team if you have any questions or concerns about our retention process or data protection practices. We are always here to assist you. 

6. Transparent Policy Updates: Adapting to Our Evolving Business Needs and Qatari Laws 

At badrgo, we believe in transparency and keeping our users informed. Therefore, our Privacy Policy may be revised occasionally to align with our changing business requirements and ensure compliance with Qatari laws. 

We understand that privacy matters, so we strive to maintain the highest level of confidentiality and security for your personal information. Our Privacy Policy reflects our commitment to safeguarding and outlining how we handle and protect your data. 

These policy updates are essential as our business evolves and adapts to meet the needs of our valued users. We understand the importance of staying up-to-date with the latest regulations and best practices to protect your privacy. 

We will always strive to provide clear and transparent communication during this process. 

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or any changes made, please don't hesitate to contact our dedicated support team. We are here to assist you and clarify your privacy and data security matters. 

We appreciate your trust in badrgo and remain committed to protecting your privacy while providing our services in accordance with the highest industry standards and legal requirements.