Terms and Conditions: This document is an electronic record in terms of the Information Technology Act, 2000 and rules there under pertaining to electronic records as applicable and amended. This electronic record is generated by a computer system and does not require any physical or digital signatures. Please read the following terms and conditions very carefully as your use of the Global Sindhi Matrimony App (as defined below) is subject to your acceptance of and compliance with the following terms and conditions including the applicable policies which are incorporated herein by way of reference and as amended from time to time (the "Terms and conditions"). By impliedly or expressly accepting these Terms and Conditions of use of App, You also accept and agree that you have read, understood and are bound by these Terms and conditions, regardless of how you subscribe to or use the Global Sindhi Matrimony Services. If you do not want to be bound by the Terms and Conditions, you must not use the Global Sindhi Matrimony Services. In these Terms, references to "You" or "User" or "Member" shall mean the end user accessing the Global Sindhi Matrimony mobile Application (App), its contents or using the services offered. "Global Sindhi Matrimony" means a collective reference to the owner of this application identified as Mrs. Nayna A. Kelkar. Scope: Global Sindhi Matrimony acts as a mobile platform to enable users of Sindhi community to themselves register on it (by filling the mandatory fields and optional fields, if any) or provide consent to Global Sindhi Matrimony team for registration on behalf of individual to voluntarily search for profile(s) from the list of registered users, for seeking prospective lawful matrimonial alliances for themselves. Global Sindhi Matrimony Membership is guided by the terms and conditions mentioned herein below. By using or accessing the services, you agree to be bound by all the terms and conditions: Global Sindhi Matrimony team may do a primary check, however would not authenticate any information of any profile in detail and hence you as a user need to verify the credentials and information provided by other users. 1. Eligibility: A) Global Sindhi Matrimony Membership and rights of admission is reserved solely for: i. Indian Nationals & Citizens. ii. Persons of Indian Origin (PIO) iii. Non Resident Indians (NRI) B) Further in capacity as Global Sindhi Matrimony member you confirm that you are: i. 18 years or above (if you are a woman) or 21 years or above (if you are a man); ii. Eligible to marry as per the law applicable to you (however you may register on our App by stating "Awaiting Divorce"), and iii. Not prohibited or prevented by any applicable law for the time being in force from entering into a valid marriage. 2. Registration A. We encourage to complete online registration process by candidate or close relative (Mother/Father/real Brother/real sister) with honesty and fairness while furnishing any sort of information to Global Sindhi Matrimony. A consent is sought from candidates/parents in case they are unable to download/install/register/operate the mobile App due to any circumstances for onboarding profile on Global Sindhi Matrimony app by Global Sindhi Matrimony team. You understand the efficient and effective match-making depends on yourself furnishing true, accurate, current, complete information and photos etc. We expect you to read the relevant column before keying in the details or selecting the option available or uploading the photo. You are requested not to key in details of the profile in field other than the applicable field (including mentioning id's of other platforms/websites/App or repeating your details in another fields, after filling them once in the relevant fields or others photographs. You further undertake that you alone shall be responsible or liable for any information provided to Global Sindhi Matrimony. In order to serve you better if Global Sindhi Matrimony requires additional details you agree to provide it. Global Sindhi Matrimony shall reproduce the registered member/candidates who provided consent details on "as is as available" basis to other registered members of Global Sindhi Matrimony, and Global Sindhi Matrimony members shall be solely liable for the information given by such Global Sindhi Matrimony member. You may also give a call to contact number on App to call you back and assist you in getting your profile registered on our App. B. Global Sindhi Matrimony team reserves full rights to suspend or terminate (without any notice) your Global Sindhi Matrimony membership and forfeit any amount paid by you towards Global Sindhi Matrimony fee and refuse to provide services to you thereafter, in case at any point Global Sindhi Matrimony team comes to know/get informed by reliable sources to believe that any information provided by you for registration (including photos) or otherwise is found to be untrue, inaccurate, or incomplete. C. Global Sindhi Matrimony Membership is restricted strictly to the individuals of Sindhi society or recognized under Sindhi community by caste or sub-caste under it as recognized by Law. If found at any point of time non-belonging to above community, Global Sindhi Matrimony team reserves right to terminate or suspend member profile. Any Organizations, companies, businesses and/or individuals carrying on similar or competitive service or application cannot become Members of Global Sindhi Matrimony and nor use the Global Sindhi Matrimony services or Global Sindhi Matrimony members data for any commercial purpose, and Global Sindhi Matrimony team reserves its right to initiate appropriate legal action for breach of these obligation. D. No tolerance for objectionable content or abusive users 3. Role and Responsibility of Global Sindhi Matrimony A. Global Sindhi Matrimony is a digital attempt to help you find your expected life partner through an automated searching, shortlisting amongst our registered members. B. Global Sindhi Matrimony reproduces your details once you register on our App on "as is as available" basis. C. Global Sindhi Matrimony team's obligation is only to provide an interface to its registered members to search their prospect themselves without any assistance from third party / persons from amongst the other registered members of the App. You agree that the system generated search results of Global Sindhi Matrimony are only of the profiles registered members on App. D. Global Sindhi Matrimony team may create an automated system to notify match making profiles between its registered members based on the partner preference set by each such member. E. The search conducted by any Global Sindhi Matrimony member and the results thereof are automatically generated. F. Global Sindhi Matrimony cannot guarantee or assume responsibility for any specific results from the use of the data available from the Global Sindhi Matrimony service. G. The Global Sindhi Matrimony members agrees and understands that Global Sindhi Matrimony may also allow third parties to provide members services on the App like horoscope matching etc., and Global Sindhi Matrimony may also collect the payment for such third party services to you. H. Global Sindhi Matrimony shall safeguard sensitive user information using authentication mechanisms, access controls and encryption techniques. I. Global Sindhi Matrimony cannot guarantee the complete protection of user data while it is in transit, or prevent any tampering of the data by a third party with malicious intent before the data reaches the Global Sindhi Matrimony database. 4. Role and Responsibility of Global Sindhi Matrimony Member A. To protect the broader interest of the registered Global Sindhi Matrimony member and increase the security, Global Sindhi Matrimony members have to ensure not to share One Time Password with unrecognized person/entity. B. Any additional information / data required by Global Sindhi Matrimony for using the Global Sindhi Matrimony services shall be provided by the Member, as and when so sought by Global Sindhi Matrimony team. C. Members are requested to exercise due care and caution while shortlisting the prospect and satisfy themselves before making a choice of your match through adequate efforts, initiatives and due diligence. Global Sindhi Matrimony team shall not be liable for short coming due to any misrepresentations made by any of its Global Sindhi Matrimony members. D. Global Sindhi Matrimony Members are expected to verify the credentials of the prospect such as family status, marital status, educational qualifications, financial status, occupation, character, health status, etc. E. To get better search results, Global Sindhi Matrimony Members are expected to provide latest photograph which should not be more than 3 months old. Providing old photographs/ photographs of others, inaccurate / false information shall be treated as violation of terms and conditions and Global Sindhi Matrimony shall retain their right under clause 2 (b) of this terms and conditions. F. Global Sindhi Matrimony Members are expected to refrain from: i. Entering into any financial transactions with prospects. ii. Sharing of confidential and personal data with each other but not limited to sharing of bank details, etc. iii. Entering into physical relationship with any prospect before marriage. iv. Violating any law for the time being in force. G. Global Sindhi Matrimony Members are expected to be cautious of prospects who ask for favours, money etc or call from multiple phone numbers, only interact over phone, doesn't come forward for face to face meeting (physically or through video calls) and don�t involve family and friends in match making. Beware of suspended profiles status before you finalize an alliance with the prospect. H. Global Sindhi Matrimony member shall not assign or transfer your membership to any other person or entity, and such an act shall be treated as violation of terms and conditions and Global Sindhi Matrimony shall retain their right under clause 2 (b) of this terms and conditions. I. Global Sindhi Matrimony Members agree to use secure devices, software and networks for accessing the services. J. Global Sindhi Matrimony Members shall not probe, scan or test the vulnerabilities of the App or any network connected to the App nor breach the security measures. 5. Contact Service In the event you come across any concerns in our service, then please be free to contact us: Email ID: globalsindhimatrimony@gmail.com Contact Number: +91-8956046942 Address: Manohar Pherwani, ANP Care, 2nd Floor, Baner,Pune 411045 6. Medium of Communication to Global Sindhi Matrimony Members A. Global Sindhi Matrimony member hereby consents for receiving communication including promotional communications through any medium of communications such as Emails and /or SMS/Calls from Global Sindhi Matrimony team. B. Global Sindhi Matrimony team may contact the Global Sindhi Matrimony member through any of the above media to share the profile of the prospect by way of internal messages / links. Global Sindhi Matrimony Member further confirms that even if Member is registered with the telecom service provider under the category Do Not Disturb / National Customer Preference Register the calls from Global Sindhi Matrimony either to the verified mobile number or alternative number if any provided shall not be treated as promotional calls. 7. Confidentiality A. Global Sindhi Matrimony has reasonable processes and system in place to maintain confidentiality of all personal information other than those meant for sharing with the prospect furnished by Global Sindhi Matrimony members and Global Sindhi Matrimony may at its sole discretion and cost take bonafide steps for maintaining the confidentiality of the information in compliance with applicable law. B. Any feedback you provide to Global Sindhi Matrimony shall be deemed to be non-confidential. Global Sindhi Matrimony team shall be free to use such feedback/information on an unrestricted basis. Further, by submitting the feedback, you represent and warrant that (i) your feedback does not contain confidential or proprietary information of yourself or third parties; (ii) Member is not under any obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect to the feedback; (iii) you are not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement of any kind from Global Sindhi Matrimony for the feedback under any circumstances. C. You agree that Global Sindhi Matrimony has all the right to process your data through the automated process to serve you with suitable profiles (based on your set partner preference) and may also send you communication in this regard. 8. Privacy of Membership A. Global Sindhi Matrimony has taken reasonable steps to protect the member's privacy and shall take all reasonable efforts to protect any personal data provided to us through reasonable security safeguards against such risks as loss or unauthorized use, destruction, use, modification or disclosure of data etc. B. Although we will strive to safeguard the confidentiality of your personally identifiable information, any information transacted over the Internet cannot be made absolutely secure. You also agree that the copying the data by using technology or any other new methods of data misuse/theft cannot be secured by Global Sindhi Matrimony and that Global Sindhi Matrimony team will have no liability for any such act. C. You agree that, when you use third party services through App, you hereby grant Global Sindhi Matrimony the right to share your information needed for providing such third party services to you or in relation to processing your information for office use of Global Sindhi Matrimony / Horoscope and/or such third party service providers. 9. Grievance In the event you come across any violation by another user including but not limited to having content in the App that is obscene, menacing, grossly offensive, harming minors or another user is impersonating etc. you may then please be free to provide your concerns in writing or email us: Email: globalsindhimatrimony@gmail.com Contact Number: +91-8956046942 Address: Manohar Pherwani, ANP Care, 2nd Floor, Baner,Pune 411045 10. Disputes between Members i. You and the prospect are both registered Global Sindhi Matrimony members and are bound by these terms and condition. ii. Global Sindhi Matrimony team is not a broker or the agent of any member, and Global Sindhi Matrimony team does not partake in the exchange of any kind of discussion between the members and prospects or the results of their discussion. iii. Global Sindhi Matrimony Members are solely responsible for the communications (through any medium) with prospect or vice versa. Global Sindhi Matrimony expressly disclaims any responsibility or liability for any transaction(s) or exchange(s) or interaction(s) or passing of information(s) etc. between any members inter se via e-mail, chat, interaction or any other medium of communication between Global Sindhi Matrimony members using App or otherwise. iv. Global Sindhi Matrimony has no obligation, to monitor any such disputes arising between the members, and Global Sindhi Matrimony shall not be party to any such dispute/litigation etc. 11. Content Right A. You agree that all content of Global Sindhi Matrimony belong to Global Sindhi Matrimony team excluding your or third party content including advertisement on the App for which Global Sindhi Matrimony has requisite right in terms hereof to display the same on our App. B. You acknowledge that you are responsible for the content (mandatory or optional content you provided on our App) and information including the profile details, photograph and other content(s) keyed in the relevant field of the App at the time of the creation of the Global Sindhi Matrimony profile or subsequently modified by you and also for all the post and communication with other member(s). You hereby represent and warrant that you own all rights, title and interest in your content/information or have the necessary licenses, rights, consents, and permissions to provide the said content/information. Global Sindhi Matrimony team also reserves the right to block the registration of your profile on App, if any, in the case of your contact details/links being entered in irrelevant fields or if there are errors in data entered by the members in their profile. C. While Global Sindhi Matrimony does not accept any obligation to monitor the content/information, if the content/information is found not to be in compliance with these Terms, then Global Sindhi Matrimony team may delete the content/information and / or terminate or suspend your registration. D. Global Sindhi Matrimony reserves the right to suspend/delete profile of the users who appropriate the name, likeness, email address, contact no or other personally identifiable information of another individual and Global Sindhi Matrimony also reserves its right to initiate appropriate legal action against such individual/organization, as and when Global Sindhi Matrimony get the knowledge of the same. E. In the event we get a complaint against you and consequently we have suspended/deleted your profile in good faith, then we shall not be liable to you in any manner whatsoever, including for any loss, costs, expenses, or consequence, if any. 12. Third Party website A. Global Sindhi Matrimony member understand and agree that Global Sindhi Matrimony team may allow third parties to put up advertisements on the Global Sindhi Matrimony App and Global Sindhi Matrimony team does not control the contents of such third party advertisement on the App. Third party websites to which links are given on Website/App are not governed by these Terms and conditions and all such third party websites are governed by their own terms and conditions for use and privacy policy, and in case of conflict the terms and conditions of the third party website shall prevail. The Company does not in any manner whatsoever authenticate, endorse, verify or certify these third party websites or any contents therein. Please note that a user shall click on links to third party websites at his / her sole risk and responsibility. B. Global Sindhi Matrimony members agrees and understands that Global Sindhi Matrimony team may also allow third parties to provide members services on the App like horoscope matching etc., and Global Sindhi Matrimony may also collect the payment for such third party services to you. 13. Limitation of liability I. Global Sindhi Matrimony likes to inform you that the exchange of profile(s) through or by App should not in any way be construed as a matrimonial offer and/or recommendation and / or advice or guarantee given to the member, from/ or by Global Sindhi Matrimony team. II. Global Sindhi Matrimony team shall under no circumstances be liable or responsible to the Global Sindhi Matrimony member or his/her authorized Representative or Guardian or any third party for any direct, indirect, special, exemplary, incidental, or consequential damages of any character including, without limitation, damages resulting from the use of our App services. 14. Your Mobile network A. You acknowledge that data charges will be charged by your respective mobile network provider ('Mobile Provider') when using the app. You accept responsibility for any such charges that arise. B. This app is available to handheld mobile devices running Android Operating System. We will use reasonable efforts to make the app available at all times. However you acknowledge the app is provided over the mobile networks and so the quality and availability of the app may be affected by factors outside our reasonable control. We reserve the right to add/delete/alter/modify/suspend any or all the Services at any time as it may deem fit, without notice. C. It is in Global Sindhi Matrimony team�s discretion to update/maintain app or to remove any features from app as we may think fit. We are not liable to you for any damage or alteration to your handheld device or mobile telephones as a result of the installation or use of the app. We are not liable to you for any damage or alteration to your handheld device or mobile telephones as a result of the installation or use of the app.