This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, and disclose your personal information
when you utilize our services. It also explains your privacy rights and the legal protections
afforded to you. We are committed to safeguarding the personal information of our users
and their contacts.
By using our services, you consent to the collection, use, sharing, and processing of your
personal information as described in this policy. We use your personal data to enhance and
deliver our services effectively.
Types of Data Collected:
1. Personal Information User Provide
Our Service automatically gathers data when you interact with it, enabling us to
better understand your needs and enhance your experience.
- Transaction Information: Information related to purchases of our paid services,
including transaction timing and subscription expiry dates, is collected to manage
your purchases.
- Contact Information: We record your email address when you contact us for
support, complaints, suggestions, or feedback to maintain communication, provide
updates, and resolve any service-related queries.
2. Information Collected Automatically
- Device Data: We collect data about the device you use to access our services,
including IP address, device model, operating system, screen resolution, mobile
carrier, time zone settings, network type, and identifiers for advertising (IDFA for
iOS, GAID for Android).
- Cookies: Our services utilize cookies to collect information to enhance user
experience, understand user engagement and improve our services.
3. Data Obtained from Third Parties
- Social Media and Login Services: If you choose to sign in with third-party services
(e.g., Google), we collect information such as your registration and login details
from these services.
- Partners and Third Parties: We may receive additional information about you from
our partners and other third parties to enhance service delivery. This may include
linking your subscription information with data received from services like Firebase
to better understand your needs and improve our service offerings.
- Other Sources: Data about you may also be collected from publicly available
sources to further enhance our services and customer understanding.
1. Granting Consent:
By registering or creating a profile on our platform, you explicitly agree to our processing of
your personal data as detailed in this Privacy Policy.
2. How We Utilize Your Information:
We use the personal information collected to:
- Enhance Service Delivery: Provide and maintain the quality of our services.
- Personalize Experience: Tailor content and advertisements to better match your
interests and improve your overall service experience.
- Manage Your Account: Support the management of your service usage, enabling
access to various functionalities as a registered user.
- Communicate: Contact you with updates, security alerts, and promotional messages
through email or other forms of communication.
3. Analytical Use and Compliance:
We analyze anonymized or aggregated data to enhance our services and ensure compliance
with legal requirements, aiding in the prevention of fraud and illegal activities.
4. Advertisements and Analytics:
Third-party analytics may be used to understand service usage patterns and improve service
delivery. These analytics are derived from data collected through cookies and similar
technologies, which do not contain personally identifiable information.
5. Cookies:
Cookies are utilized to understand user interactions and store preferences related to your
service use. You can manage these settings to adjust your privacy preferences.
6. Your Privacy Rights:
You have the right to opt out of receiving promotional communications and can manage,
access, or modify your personal data, except where retained for legitimate business or legal
7. Policy Updates:
This Privacy Policy is subject to updates, which will be reflected in the revised document
available on our platform. We encourage you to review this policy periodically. Continued
engagement with our services after such updates constitutes your acceptance of the terms.
By using our services, you confirm that you understand and agree to the terms set out in this
Privacy Policy, ensuring a secure and transparent user experience.
We do not share your data with other companies, organizations and individuals unless one
of the following circumstances applies:
1. Sharing with your Consent:
- We do not share your personal information with third parties without your explicit
- After obtaining your consent, we will share the data that you have authorized with
specified third parties or categories of third parties to the extent permitted by
applicable laws and regulations.
2. Legal Compliance and Protection of Rights:
We may disclose your personal information if it is necessary to:
- Comply with legal requirements or respond to valid legal processes, such as search
warrants, court orders, or subpoenas.
- Protect the rights, property, or safety of our users, us, or the public as required or
permitted by law.
3. Service Providers and Partners:
We may share only the minimum personal information necessary with third parties to
provide, improve, promote, and protect our services. These include:
- Service Providers: We engage various service providers who perform functions on
our behalf. For instance, we may share personal information such as: Names, email
addresses, service usage data, and transaction histories, with companies that help
us with IT services, customer service, and payment processing like Google play.
These service providers are bound by strict data protection clauses and are only
allowed to use your personal information as directed by us to provide the specific
- Business Partners: We may share limited data such as: Contact details and
demographic information, … with our business partners with whom we collaborate
to provide you the best services or promotional offers. This is only done with your
explicit consent and is strictly controlled under confidentiality agreements, ensuring
compliance with privacy laws and limiting use to the agreed purposes.
4. Business Transfers:
In cases of business negotiations, mergers, acquisitions, or sale of company assets, your
personal information may be shared or transferred as part of the transaction.
5. Public Interactions:
If you engage in activities on public areas of our services, your information can be seen by
others and may be read, collected, or used by them. You are advised to exercise caution
when deciding to disclose your personal information in these areas.
6. Cookies:
We use cookies to understand and save your preferences for future visits and compile
aggregate data about site traffic and site interactions. This helps us offer better site
experiences and tools in the future. You may manage your cookie preferences through your
browser settings.
Permission 1: android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Save photo files after editing, and download videos to the device.
Permission 2: android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
Display videos and photos on devices, then you can play, edit these.
Permission 3: android.permission.READ_MEDIA_VIDEO
Display videos on devices from the device
Permission 4: android.permission.READ_MEDIA_IMAGES
Display photos on devices from the device
1. International Data Transfers:
Your personal information may be processed outside your country of residence by our staff,
affiliates, or third-party service providers. We take appropriate measures to ensure that
your personal information remains protected according to the security standards of our
service, regardless of where it is processed.
2. Safeguarding Measures:
We implement strong contractual arrangements and security measures to protect your data
when it is transferred internationally. This includes using encryption, secure data transfer
protocols, and ensuring that all data handlers comply with our data protection and privacy
3. Data Security Practices:
To protect your personal information from unauthorized access, loss, or misuse, we employ
a variety of security technologies and procedures. These include encryption, firewalls, and
access controls that restrict who can access your data and how it is used. Our security
measures are designed to provide a level of protection that matches or exceeds industry
4. Handling Data Risks:
While we endeavor to secure your data, the transmission of information over the internet
can never be guaranteed to be completely secure. We encourage you to take precautions to
protect your personal information when using digital services, including monitoring your
account settings and access privileges.
5. Correcting and Updating Your Information:
You have the right to request access to, correction of, or deletion of your personal
information. If your personal data changes, or if you no longer wish to use our service, you
may correct, update, or remove the information by making a direct request to us.
1. Your Rights to Access and Control Personal Data:
You have the right to access, review, and manage your personal data stored by us. Under
applicable laws, you can request information about the data we hold on you, as well as
request updates, corrections, or deletions of any inaccuracies.
2. How to Manage Your Information:
You can exercise your data protection rights through several options:
Update and Correct: Directly modify your personal details via your account settings.
Privacy Controls: Adjust settings to manage the use of your data, including opting out of
targeted advertising and managing communication preferences.
3. Limitations on Access:
In certain circumstances, as permitted or required by law, your ability to access or control
your personal data may be limited. The scope of access may also vary by the specific
services and products you utilize.
4. Processing Requests:
We endeavor to promptly fulfill requests to access or modify personal information. You
can initiate these requests through the contact options available on our platform.
5. Additional Support:
If certain personal data cannot be accessed or controlled via our standard tools or if you
have specific inquiries regarding your data rights, please reach out to us directly for
6. Transparency and Accountability:
We regularly review and report on the requests we receive to access or control personal
data, ensuring transparency and accountability in our data handling practices.
1. Data Collection and Consent:
We comply with legal requirements not to collect personal information from children under
the age of 13 without verifiable parental consent. If we learn that such information has been
collected without consent, we will take steps to delete it promptly.
2. Parental Rights:
Parents or guardians have the right to review, manage, and delete their child’s information.
We provide tools and support to facilitate these actions.
3. Revoking Consent:
At any time, parents or guardians can revoke their consent and request the deletion of their
child’s information from our systems.
4. Reporting Issues:
For issues regarding the protection of minors’ data, please contact us immediately.
We may revise our Privacy Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices or
service offerings. When updates are made, we will notify you by sending an email and/or
displaying a prominent notice on our service. Additionally, we will update the 'Last
updated' date at the top of the Privacy Policy, which can be viewed on this page.
For significant changes, we may also send a push notification directly through the service.
We encourage you to review our Privacy Policy periodically to stay informed of how we
are protecting the personal information we collect. Continued use of the service after any
updates signifies your agreement to the revised policy.
If you have any questions about our Privacy Policy or wish to make a request regarding
certain personal information, you are encouraged to contact us. The contact information is:
Smart Vision